Alla inlägg under november 2010

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 20 november 2010 14:19

Post-election protester in poor mental and physical condition in prison

Ayub Qanbarpourian, who was arrested after the elections, is in very poor mental and physical condition in prison but the Tehran Prosecutor and prison officials have refused to grant him a leave from prison.

He has been detained for more than a year and has been only able to see his family a few times because they live in another town and cannot easily come to Tehran.

He was sentenced to five years of prison after months of being kept in a state of limbo in cellblocks 350 and 209 in Evin Prison.

This 20 year old political prisoner is from Koh Dasht Village in Lorestan and worked as a construction worker in Tehran. He was arrested for participating in the peaceful demonstrations in protest to election results.

Qanbarpourian supported his family after he lost his father and his family has been facing financial hardships in the past few months.

He is currently detained in cellblock 350 in Evin along with many other political prisoners. His family and fellow prisoners are severely concerned for his mental and physical condition to the point that everyday, a number of political prisoners in this cellblock take the responsibility of looking out for him in prison. (Saham News – Nov. 17, 2010)


Iran arrests cleric

According to reports, on Monday November 16, security forces raided the home of Allah Verdi Rohi and arrested him and one of his relative identified as Hamid. These forces searched his home and seized some of his personal belongings such as his computer. It is still not clear where these two are being kept. His family and relatives have pursued the reason behind their arrest but have not been given any information as yet. Raids by security forces to the homes of political and human rights activists especially in the weeks leading up to Student Day (December 7) has become prevalent in Iran. (Center in Defense of the Families of those Slain and Detained – Nov. 17, 2010)


Iran arrests former female political prisoner

According to reports, Mehri Javan Mahjoub, who was a former political prisoner in the 80’s and is the wife of political prisoner Abedi Ba Khoda was arrested yesterday and taken to the Lakan Prison in Rasht.

Mahjoub Doust, 52, was summoned to the 4th branch of the Revolutionary Court on Tuesday November 16 and was interrogated for a prolonged amount of time for having a computer and satellite receiver in her home and for describing her husband’s condition to the international media and human rights organizations. A 50 million toman (50,000 dollar) bail order was then issued for her. She was only given 2 hours to provide the bail money and she said that she could not afford to pay this amount stressing that she had not committed any crime for which she would have to pay bail for.

Mahjoub Doust was kept in Police Station number 5 in Rasht until 7 pm and was subsequently transferred to the Lakan Prison in Rasht without being officially convicted.

Before this, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence had raided her home and seized some of their personal belongings.

Mahjoub Doust is suffering from numerous physical ailments such as heart problems, arthritis and migraines.

She was the caretaker of her husband, Abedi Bakhoda who was on a medical leave from prison to receive surgery and was hospitalized at home. She was responsible for most of his nursing including giving him injections. Abedi Bakhoda was shot in the spinal cord in the 80’s when security forces were trying to arrest him and has become crippled. He is confined to a wheelchair and cannot move. Security forces have arbitrary and illegally arrested Mahjoub Doust to put more pressure on this family, especially her husband. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 17, 2010)


Political prisoner to be hanged in Orumieh

The Supreme Court asked that political prisoner Hossein Khezri be executed in a letter to the 9th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Orumieh.

According to reports, this letter which was seen by Hossein Khezri’s lawyer was the last legal way for Khezri’s execution to be revoked. His lawyer also suspiciously resigned as his lawyer after seeing this letter.

Notably, the 9th branch of the Sentence Implementation Unit in the Orumieh Court has sent the case of this death row political prisoner to the Prosecutor, and his death sentence will be carried out after the prosecutor agrees to it. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 17, 2010)


Religious freedom deteriorates in Iran: US

The US government said Wednesday that respect for religious freedom deteriorated in Afghanistan and Iran while China and Indonesia earned mixed scorecards.

In its report on international religious freedom for the last year, the US State Department also raised sharp complaints about Myanmar and North Korea as well as US allies Egypt and Saudi Arabia…

The report said 'government respect for religious freedom continued to deteriorate in Iran, with which the US government is locked in a showdown over its nuclear ambitions and human rights.

‘The government severely restricted freedom of religion and reports of government imprisonment, harassment, intimidation, and discrimination based on religious beliefs continued during the reporting period,' the report said.

Iranian Muslims who were not from the majority Shiite group faced 'substantial societal discrimination,' it said.

‘And government rhetoric and actions created a threatening atmosphere for nearly all non-Shia religious groups, most notably Bahais, as well as Sufi Muslims, evangelical Christians, members of the Jewish community,' it said. (AFP - Nov 17, 2010)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 20 november 2010 14:17

وخامت حال جسمي و روحي ايوب قنبر پوريان

ايوب قنبرپوريان يکي از زندانيان حوادث پس از انتخابات ،وضعيت جسماني و روحي بسيار نامناسبي دارد اما با اين حال دادستان تهران و مسئولان زندان با مرخصي او مخالفت مي کنند .

به گزارش کلمه، او که بيش از يک سال در زندان است تنها چند بار توانسته با خانواده و بستگان خود ملاقات کند، چرا که خانواده اش در شهرستان زندگي مي کنند و به سختي امکان سفر به تهران را پيدا مي کنند.

او پس از ماه ها بلاتکليفي و زنداني بودن در بند ۳۵۰ و ۲۰۹ به پنج سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد .

ايوب قنبرپوريان ، ۲۰ ساله و اهل يکي از روستاهاي کوه دشت لرستان است که در تهران به عنوان کارگر ساختمان مشغول به کار بوده است . او در تظاهرات هاي مسالمت آميز مردم در اعتراض به نتيجه انتخابات ۲۲ خرداد ۱۳۸۸ شرکت داشته و به همين دليل بازداشت و روانه زندان شده است .

قنبرپوريان به دليل از دست دادن پدرش، سرپرست خانواده بوده و در تمام ماههاي گذشته ،خانواده او با مشکلات مالي فراوان دست به گريبان بوده اند.

وي هم اکنون در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين به همراه بسياري ديگر زندانيان سياسي به سر مي برد. خانواده قنبر پوريان و هم بندي هاي او نسبت به وضعيت جسمي و روحي او به شدت اظهار نگراني مي کنند تا جايي که هر روز چند نفر از زندانيان سياسي اين بند مسئوليت مراقبت از او را در زندان به عهده مي گيرند. (سحام نيوز – 26/8/89)


دستگيري يک روحاني و يكي از بستگانش

براساس گزارشات دريافتي ,صبح روز دوشنبه 89.8.24 در يورشي به منزل آقاي الله وردي روحي و يكي از بستگانش بنام حميد هر دو نفر را بازداشت نمودند.در بازرسي كه از منزل آقاي روحي به عمل آمده وسايل شخصي ايشان از جمله كيس كامپيوتر و ساير متعلقات آن را مأموران با خود برده اند.هنوز محل نگهداري و بازداشت اين دو نفر مشخص نگرديده است.خانواده وآشنايان اقاي روحي بدنبال پيگيري دليل دستگيري آنان هستند,اما تا كنون اطلاعي از آنان داده نشده.يورش مأمورن به منازل خانواده هاي سياسي و يا فعالين حقوق بشري بطور خاص در ايام نزديك به 16 آذر امري رايج گشته است. (كانون حمايت ازخانواده هاي جان باختگان و بازداشتي ها – 26/8/89)

يکي از زنان زنداني سياسي دهه 60 دستگير و به زندان لاکان رشت منتقل شد

بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" خانم مهري جوان محجوب دوست از زندانيان سياسي دهه 60 و همسر زنداني سياسي عابدي با خدا روز گذشته دستگير و به زندان لاکان رشت منتقل گرديد.

خانم مهري جوان محجوب دوست 52 ساله که از زندانيان سياسي دهه 60  مي باشد روز سه شنبه 25 آبان ماه به شعبۀ 4 بازپرسي دادگاه انقلاب رشت فراخوانده شد و پس از بازجويي طولاني بخاطر داشتن کامپيوتر ، رسيور ماهواره در منزل و تشريح وضعيت و شرايط همسرش با رسانه هاي بين المللي و سازمانهاي حقوق بشري براي او قرار وثيقه 50 ميليون توماني صادر گرديد . به او فقط 2 ساعت براي تهيه وثيقه فوق وقت داده شد.خانم محجوب دوست به آنها اعلام کرد که قادر به تهيه مبلغ فوق نيستند و او هم مرتکب هيچ جرمي نشده است و دليلي براي قرار دادن چنين وثيقه اي را نمي بيند.

خانم محجوب دوست تا ساعت 19:00 در کلانتري 5 رشت در بازداشت بود و سپس به بند زنان زندان لاکان رشت بدون داشتن هيچ محکوميتي منتقل گرديد.

پيش از اين مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به منزل آنها يورش برده بودند و بخشي از وسايل شخصي اين خانواده را جمع آوري و با خود برده بودند.

خانم محجوب دوست از ناراحتيهاي متعددي جسمي مانند ناراحتي قلبي،آرتروز و ميگرن رنج مي برد.

خانم محجوب دوست از همسرش، زنداني سياسي عابدي باخدا که در مرخصي استعلاجي جهت عمل جراحي در منزل بسر مي برد پرستاري مي نمود و اکثر کارهاي تزريقي دارو و ساير موارد را براي او انجام ميداد. آقاي عابدي باخدا در اثر شليک گلوله پاسداران به نخاعش دچار قطع نخاع است و بر روي صندلي چرخدار مي باشد و قادر به حرکت نيست.هدف از دستگيري و بازداشت خودسرانه و غير قانوني خانم محجوب دوست ايجاد فشار بر روي اين خانواده بخصوص همسرش مي باشد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 26/8/89)

قريب الوقوع بودن اجراي حکم اعدام حسين خضري

ديوان عالي کشور در نامه اي به شعبه 9 اجراي احکام دادگاه انقلاب اروميه خواهان اجراي حکم اعدام حسين خضري شده است.

بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، اين نامه ارسالي که به روئيت وکيل حسين خضري نيز در آمده است آخرين راه هاي قانوني براي لغو حکم اعدام وي بوده است، از سوي ديگر وکيل نامبرده پس روئيت نامه به طرز مشکوکي از برعهده گرفتن وکالت اين زنداني انصراف داده است.

گفتني است، شعبه 9 اجراي احکام دادگاه اروميه جهت اجراي حکم، پرونده اين زنداني را به دادستان استان ارسال کرده است که در صورت موافقت دادستاني اجراي حکم اعدام حسين خضري قريب الوقوع خواهد بود. (هرانا – 26/8/89)

آمريکا: آزاديهاي مذهبي در ايران و افغانستان بدتر شده‌اند

خبرگزاري فرانسه، 17نوامبر، 2010 - واشنگتن - دولت آمريکا روز چهارشنبه گفت محترم شمردن [عدم رعايت] آزاديهاي مذهبي در افغانستان و ايران بدتر شده است و دراينحال چين و اندونزي کارتهاي متفاوتي به‌دست آوردند. …

مسلمانان ايران که از گروه شيعي اصلي ايران نيستند با تبعيض اجتماعي اساسي مواجه هستند. … (خبرگزاري فرانسه- 26/8/89)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 20 november 2010 14:05

آرزوی مادرم ایران ،کاشک دخترانم را....

درفرازونشیبهای سفر،درگذرگاههای پرپیچ وخم تاریخ به سرزمین شبها رسیدم.آنجا که زوزه باد ،آدمی را ،به یاد رنجها ودردها میاندازد.

ناله ای غم انگیزمرابه خود ،جلب کرد،جلوتررفتم.

خش خش گامهایم را،برتن افسرده تکیده اش شنیدم.آه وناله پیرزن بی جان وناتوانی بودکه به آسمان میرفت..کسی رانمیدیدم ولی حس کردم که هست.

فریاد کشیدم کیستی؟کجایی؟

جوابی نشنیدم جزطوفانی که تمامی خشم رادربرداشت وناله ای که همه دردرا.

دوباره پرسیدم کجایی؟نزدیکتر که رفتم آرامشی گرفت وجواب داد.همین جایم.

دستهایم رادرازکردم تالمسش کنم.دستنش را جلوآورد که بمانند دست پیرزنی بود.

_ مادرهستی؟

جواب داد :بودم

فرزندانم را جلاد به گناه ناکرده دارشان زد ومن با هرکدامشان شکنجه شدم ومردم .

مادربیچاره آهی کشید .آنها که زنده ماندند،کوچ کردندوچشمان من هنوز به د نبالشان وتنم درانتطار به آغوش کشیدنشان.

_ازکجا میآیی؟

ازسرزمین ناامیدیها.آنجا که آزادی را درقبرها می یابی وشیطان را برجایگاه پیامبران .آنجا که مجا لی برای سپیده دم نیست ،تنهای زخمی را درمانی وغصه ها را پایانی نیست  .

درآنجا ظالمان نام خدا رامیبرند وجلادان فرزندان  خدارا به آتش میکشند.آنجا که زنان را درملا ئ مردم سنگسارمیکنند ودرپیش طفلانشان شکنجه.

آزآنجا میآیم که گلوله  های سربی داغ برتن دختران شکنجه  شده ام شیرینی نقل های جشن  عروسی شیاطین را دارد.

آنجا که حیثیت وشخصیت زنانم به بها نه های واهی درکوچه وبازارها تاسرحد جنون وخشنونت به گنداب ازتجاع آلوده است.

آنجا که دختران معصوم وپاک مرا دست بسته به عروسی شغالان ناپا ک میبرند تاحکم تجاوزشان را "شرعی وقانونی" جلوه دهند.

درآن ظلمات شب آسمان می شنید که  مادرچه میگوید.آهی کشید .ابرها  از گوشه  وکنارپیدیدارمیشدند وجلوی ستارگان رامیگرفتند.دیگرازستاره ها  خبری نبودوآسمان پرابرباریدن گرفت .

برگهای درختان ازباران شسته میشدند وقطرات اشک ازچهره چروکیده مادرجاری.بغضش راقورت داد وگفت  میدانی؟روزگاری مادران ،طفلانشان راازگرمی آغوششان به لطافت گهواره های خانه های من میسپردندتا خواب های شیرین کودکانه ببینندولی امروزآن دستها جسدهای عزیران پاک ومعصومشان را درگورهای سرد وتاریک میگذارند.من ازآن سرزمینم که دختران نوجوانم سرمایه پدرومادرشان شده اند تالقمه نانی بدست آورند.

جلوتررفتم که صدایش راتا اعماق قلبم فررفته بود بهتر بشنوم.ازاوپرسیدم که چه میخواهی برایت بکنم؟

به  زجه هایم گوش کن !بعد توبگو توکه  مثل من یک زن هستی ودردم را میفهمی چه میخواستی برایت بکنند اگر توجای من بودی؟

جای زنان ودختران نوجوان وگاه خردسال من که قربانی این ظالمان وگرفتار اعتیاد و فسادوفحشا وگدایی شد ه اند.جای دختران معصومی که شبها خواب فرشته های آبی می بینند تا لقمه نان فردایشان دهد بلکه یک روزجسم نحیفشان رابه فروش نگذارند.

اگرتوبودی چه میخواستی؟

گاه آرزومیکنم که کاش دخترانم رادربدوتولد زنده بگورمیکردم تا هرلحظه زندگیشان را به گور...

بعدازلحظه ای سکوت ،مادرم ؛ ایران، دستها یش را بسویم درازونگاه منتظرش را به آسمان کرد ..

افسانه اسکویی نژاد


Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 18 november 2010 14:49

Female prisoners still under pressure in Evin Prison’s methadone cellblock for giving out political statement from prison

According to reports, female political prisoners who were transferred to the methadone cellblock in Evin Prison on November 7 after phone lines in their previous cellblock were cut off are still kept under inhumane conditions. They are confined to a small space and since their transfer have been banned from going out for fresh air in the prison yard or using the cultural hall.

Female political prisoners were told that the reason behind their transfer to methadone cellblock (used for addicted prisoners) was a statement which was issued by a number of female prisoners when political prisoner Hengameh Shahidi was granted a leave from prison.

Currently, there are only 18 female prisoners in the female section in Evin Prison. Some of these prisoners are Nazila Dashti, Atefeh Nabavi, Mahdieh Golro, Farah Vazehan, Alieh Eqdam Doust, Bahareh Hedayat, Parvin Javadzadeh, Reihaneh Haj Ibrahimi and Zahra Bahrami. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 16, 2010)


Iran forces Ashtiani, son and lawyer to make false confession on state TV

Iranian state television has broadcast a purported statement by an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery in which she calls herself a 'sinner’.

The stoning sentence against the 43-year-old Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has been put on hold and is now being reviewed by Iran's supreme court, but she still faces a possible death sentence by other means.

The outcry over the case is one of the latest thorns in Iran's relationship with the international community, as the U.S., EU and international human rights groups have urged Tehran to stay the execution.

A woman identified as Ashtiani said in the state TV report shown Monday: 'I am a sinner.' Her face was blurred and her words were voiced over in what the TV report said was a translation into Farsi from Azeri Turkish, which is spoken in parts of Iran.

The report also broadcast purported statements by two men whose faces were blurred that state TV identified as Ashtiani's son, Sajjad Qaderzadeh, and her lawyer, Houtan Kian, both of whom were arrested last month. It also aired comments from two Germans who were detained allegedly while trying to interview Ashtiani's family in October…

The broadcast of the purported statements appeared to be an attempt by Tehran to deflect international criticism of the case and focus attention instead on the West by accusing it of stirring up controversy over the case to damage the reputation of Iran's Islamic leadership. (AP – Nov. 15, 2010)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 18 november 2010 14:49

Female prisoners still under pressure in Evin Prison’s methadone cellblock for giving out political statement from prison

According to reports, female political prisoners who were transferred to the methadone cellblock in Evin Prison on November 7 after phone lines in their previous cellblock were cut off are still kept under inhumane conditions. They are confined to a small space and since their transfer have been banned from going out for fresh air in the prison yard or using the cultural hall.

Female political prisoners were told that the reason behind their transfer to methadone cellblock (used for addicted prisoners) was a statement which was issued by a number of female prisoners when political prisoner Hengameh Shahidi was granted a leave from prison.

Currently, there are only 18 female prisoners in the female section in Evin Prison. Some of these prisoners are Nazila Dashti, Atefeh Nabavi, Mahdieh Golro, Farah Vazehan, Alieh Eqdam Doust, Bahareh Hedayat, Parvin Javadzadeh, Reihaneh Haj Ibrahimi and Zahra Bahrami. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 16, 2010)


Iran forces Ashtiani, son and lawyer to make false confession on state TV

Iranian state television has broadcast a purported statement by an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery in which she calls herself a 'sinner’.

The stoning sentence against the 43-year-old Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has been put on hold and is now being reviewed by Iran's supreme court, but she still faces a possible death sentence by other means.

The outcry over the case is one of the latest thorns in Iran's relationship with the international community, as the U.S., EU and international human rights groups have urged Tehran to stay the execution.

A woman identified as Ashtiani said in the state TV report shown Monday: 'I am a sinner.' Her face was blurred and her words were voiced over in what the TV report said was a translation into Farsi from Azeri Turkish, which is spoken in parts of Iran.

The report also broadcast purported statements by two men whose faces were blurred that state TV identified as Ashtiani's son, Sajjad Qaderzadeh, and her lawyer, Houtan Kian, both of whom were arrested last month. It also aired comments from two Germans who were detained allegedly while trying to interview Ashtiani's family in October…

The broadcast of the purported statements appeared to be an attempt by Tehran to deflect international criticism of the case and focus attention instead on the West by accusing it of stirring up controversy over the case to damage the reputation of Iran's Islamic leadership. (AP – Nov. 15, 2010)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 18 november 2010 14:48

زنان زنداني سياسي زندان اوين همچنان تحت شرايط و محدوديتهاي غير انساني در بند متادون

بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" زندانيان سياسي بند زنان زندان اوين که از 16 آبان ماه پس از قطع تلفن آنها به بند متادون که محل نگهداري زندانيان عادي و معتاد مي باشد منتقل شدند وهمچنان در شرايط غير انساني نگهداري مي شوند.آنها در محيطي کوچک و محصور زنداني هستند و از زمان انتقال به اين بند امکان رفتن به حياط و استفاده از سالن فرهنگي محروم شده اند.

به زنان زنداني سياسي گفته شده است که علت انتقال آنها به بند متادون بيانيه اي است که توسط تعدادي از زنان زنداني سياسي به مناسبت مرخصي رفتن خانم هنگامه شهيدي داده شد مي باشد.

در حال حاضر فقط در بند زنان زندان اوين 18 زن زنداني سياسي در بازداشت بسر مي برند که اسامي تعدادي از آنها به قرار زير مي باشد:

زندانيان سياسي نازيلا دشتي، عاطفه نبوي ،مهديه گلرو ،فرح واضحان ، عاليه اقدام دوست ، بهاره هدايت ،پروين جواد زاده ،ريحانه حاج ابراهيمي،زهرا بهرامي و غيره مي باشند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 25/8/89)


ايران آشتياني, پسر و وكيل وي را مجبور به اعترافات ساختگي در تلويزيون دولتي مي كند

تلويزيون دولتي ايران اظهارات يک زن ايراني که محکوم به مرگ از طريق سنگسار شده است را پخش کرد، که در آن، او مدعي شد گناهکار است.

حکم سنگسار سکينه محمدي آشتياني 43ساله، فعلاً متوقف شده است و دادگاه عالي ايران در حال باز بيني آن ميباشد. اما او بهخاطر اتهامات ديگر، هنوز با حکم اعدام روبهرو است.

اعتراضات بينالمللي بر سر اين موضوع، تازهترين خار در روابط ايران با جامعه بينالمللي ميباشد. آمريکا، اتحاديه اروپا، و گروهاي بينالمللي حقوقبشري، از تهران خواستهاند تا از اين اعدام کوتاه بيآيد.

در برنامه دوشنبه تلويزيون دولتي، زني که بهعنوان سکينه محمدي آشتياني معرفي شد گفت: ”من گناهکار هستم“. صورت او تيره شده بود و کلمات او از ترکي آذري به فارسي ترجمه شده بود.

اين برنامه هم‌چنين اظهارات دو مرد که صورت آنها هم تيره شده بود را منتشر کرد. تلويزيون، يکي از آنها را سجاد قادرزاده، پسر آشتياني و ديگري را هوتن خان وکيل وي معرفي کرده است. اين دو نفر ماه گذشته بازداشت شدند. اين تلويزيون هم‌چنين اظهارات دو آلماني که در ماه اکتبر در حال تلاش براي مصاحبه با خانواده آشتياني بازداشت شده بودند را پخش کرد. …  (آسوشيتدپرس- 24/8/89)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 18 november 2010 14:42

Young protester suspiciously dies in detention

Last week, 30 year old Hamid Madmali who was arrested by the Intelligence Unit of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, suspiciously passed away in an unknown detention center. He was arrested on charges of insulting the leader in his contacts a satellite Persian network.

According to reports, Hamid Madmali who was from the town of Masjid Soleiman was arrested some time ago in his home in Tehran for having communications with a satellite Persian network and criticizing the leader and president of Iran.

RGC forces violently beat him upon his arrest and took him to an unknown location. His family’s months long pursuits for his whereabouts led to nowhere.

Finally after constant pursuits, intelligence agents buried his body in his birth place, Masjid Soleiman, under severe security measures and his brother was also threatened for filing a complaint against the relevant institution. (Human Rights activists in Iran – Nov. 14, 2010)

Iran arrests another labor activist in Saqez

On Thursday, November 11, labor activist Omar Ismail Pour, was summoned and arrested by the Revolutionary Guards Corps.

According to reports, no one knows where he was taken and what his current condition is. (Human Rights activists in Iran – Nov. 14, 2010)


Iran sentences student activist to 5 years of prison

Arash Sadeqi, an Alameh Tabatabayi University student who was banned from continuing his education was sentenced to five years of prison by a court of review. Sadeqi was a member of the Central Council of this university’s Islamic Association.

He was arrested on December 27, 2009 and spent more than a year in detention in cellblocks 2-A which is run by the Revolutionary Guards Corps and cellblock 209, run by the Intelligence Agency.

He is now free on a 500 million toman (about 500,000 dollar) bail. This is while despite being temporarily released from prison, security forces raided his home in the past few days to arrest him. His mother had a shock and heart attack as a result of the raid and passed away. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 13, 2010)


Another prison murdered in fight instigated by Gohardasht Prison officials

According reports, in a deadly clash in cellblock 5 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, prisoner Mohammad Baba Alian was murdered.

On the morning of November 14, at about 3 pm, 22 year old Mohammad Baba Alian was wounded after being stabbed in three parts of his body in a clash. His fellow inmates cried for help for about thirty minutes from behind the closed doors of cellblock 5’s hall before he was finally transferred to the infirmary. He was not immediately treated in the infirmary and no one did anything to stop his bleeding. Prison officials also refused to take him to a hospital outside of the prison and he passed away in front of other inmates without being given first aid.

Before this clash and in the past few days, Alian and his cellmate were reportedly summoned by the assistant head of prison Ali Mohammadi and Faraji, the head of the Intelligence Unit, to the Intelligence Unit and were instigated to fight with one another. They were separately told that if they murder the other prisoner, their sentences would be commuted. Despite the fact that these two prisoners had a friendly relationship with each other, threats and promises by the assistant head of prison and the head of the Intelligence Unit led to this horrific crime. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 15, 2010)


Iran expels student activist from medical university

Yaser Rahmani, a medical student at the Shiraz Medical Science University and the political secretary of the Islamic Association in this university was finally expelled from university after being kept in a state of limbo for one and a half years. He was expelled in a sentence by the Central Disciplinary Committee of the Ministry of Health and Hygiene…

Notably, in this time, the Protection Department of his university and security officials in the province of Fars tried to ruin the image of this student activist and member of the Office for Consolidating Unity by saying that he had given interviews and had made confessions under pressure whish he has strongly denies. (Daneshju News – Nov. 15, 2010)


15 protesters sentenced to prison for post-election protests

According to reports from Mashhad, 15 people were tried on charges of acting against national security and propagating against the government. Some of these people were arrested in 2009 and spent time in prison. They were sentenced to 3-16 years of prison. Their charges were having email communications with a number of people outside of the country. Three of them identified as Ali Ebadi, Mohammad Mirzayi and Mehdi Jalili are currently in prison and the rest are free on bail.

Notably, Ali Ebadi is a former political prisoner and has been detained in a solitary cell for more than a year.

Some of those sentenced are as follows:

Ali Ebadi, six years of prison

Mehdi Jalili, 16 years of prison

Hassan Oganji, 6 years of prison

Zohre Ebadi, wife of Hassan Oganji, three and a half years of prison

Javad Ebadi, 3 years of prison

Ahmad Mirzayi, six years of prison

Mohammad Ghobrayi, six years of prison

Salmas Parsi, three years of prison (Peik-e Iran – Nov. 15, 2010)


Another border tradesman murdered by security forces

Armed forces of the Islamic Republic stationed in the border area in Kurdistan opened fire on a Kurd tradesman in the Nosoud border region and killed him.

According to reports, on Monday November 15, armed forces opened fire on a group of tradesmen (carriers who carry goods on their backs) in an ambush.

As a result, a carrier identified as Shahu Babayi from the Sarkhaban Village was shot and instantly died. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 15, 2010)

Iran detains 5 lawyers on security charges - report

Five lawyers have been arrested in Iran for security-related offences, a local news agency said on Sunday, the latest in a series of arrests of human rights' activists since last year's disputed presidential election.

Tehran general prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi said three of the lawyers were arrested when they returned from a trip to Turkey, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

"Two other lawyers related to the three were also detained in Iran," the prosecutor told Fars.

"They have been detained for committing security-related offences and violating the Islamic Republic's moral standards outside Iran," he said, without elaborating on the charges.

Sara Sabaghian, Maryam Kian-Ersi and Maryam Karbasi were arrested at Tehran's International Imam Khomeini Airport on Saturday, the Sharq newspaper reported…

Judiciary chief Sadeq Larijani has warned lawyers over criticising the judicial system and on giving interviews to foreign media, the moderate Arman newspaper reported on Sunday. (Reuters - Nov 14, 2010)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 18 november 2010 14:42

Young protester suspiciously dies in detention

Last week, 30 year old Hamid Madmali who was arrested by the Intelligence Unit of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, suspiciously passed away in an unknown detention center. He was arrested on charges of insulting the leader in his contacts a satellite Persian network.

According to reports, Hamid Madmali who was from the town of Masjid Soleiman was arrested some time ago in his home in Tehran for having communications with a satellite Persian network and criticizing the leader and president of Iran.

RGC forces violently beat him upon his arrest and took him to an unknown location. His family’s months long pursuits for his whereabouts led to nowhere.

Finally after constant pursuits, intelligence agents buried his body in his birth place, Masjid Soleiman, under severe security measures and his brother was also threatened for filing a complaint against the relevant institution. (Human Rights activists in Iran – Nov. 14, 2010)

Iran arrests another labor activist in Saqez

On Thursday, November 11, labor activist Omar Ismail Pour, was summoned and arrested by the Revolutionary Guards Corps.

According to reports, no one knows where he was taken and what his current condition is. (Human Rights activists in Iran – Nov. 14, 2010)


Iran sentences student activist to 5 years of prison

Arash Sadeqi, an Alameh Tabatabayi University student who was banned from continuing his education was sentenced to five years of prison by a court of review. Sadeqi was a member of the Central Council of this university’s Islamic Association.

He was arrested on December 27, 2009 and spent more than a year in detention in cellblocks 2-A which is run by the Revolutionary Guards Corps and cellblock 209, run by the Intelligence Agency.

He is now free on a 500 million toman (about 500,000 dollar) bail. This is while despite being temporarily released from prison, security forces raided his home in the past few days to arrest him. His mother had a shock and heart attack as a result of the raid and passed away. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 13, 2010)


Another prison murdered in fight instigated by Gohardasht Prison officials

According reports, in a deadly clash in cellblock 5 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, prisoner Mohammad Baba Alian was murdered.

On the morning of November 14, at about 3 pm, 22 year old Mohammad Baba Alian was wounded after being stabbed in three parts of his body in a clash. His fellow inmates cried for help for about thirty minutes from behind the closed doors of cellblock 5’s hall before he was finally transferred to the infirmary. He was not immediately treated in the infirmary and no one did anything to stop his bleeding. Prison officials also refused to take him to a hospital outside of the prison and he passed away in front of other inmates without being given first aid.

Before this clash and in the past few days, Alian and his cellmate were reportedly summoned by the assistant head of prison Ali Mohammadi and Faraji, the head of the Intelligence Unit, to the Intelligence Unit and were instigated to fight with one another. They were separately told that if they murder the other prisoner, their sentences would be commuted. Despite the fact that these two prisoners had a friendly relationship with each other, threats and promises by the assistant head of prison and the head of the Intelligence Unit led to this horrific crime. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 15, 2010)


Iran expels student activist from medical university

Yaser Rahmani, a medical student at the Shiraz Medical Science University and the political secretary of the Islamic Association in this university was finally expelled from university after being kept in a state of limbo for one and a half years. He was expelled in a sentence by the Central Disciplinary Committee of the Ministry of Health and Hygiene…

Notably, in this time, the Protection Department of his university and security officials in the province of Fars tried to ruin the image of this student activist and member of the Office for Consolidating Unity by saying that he had given interviews and had made confessions under pressure whish he has strongly denies. (Daneshju News – Nov. 15, 2010)


15 protesters sentenced to prison for post-election protests

According to reports from Mashhad, 15 people were tried on charges of acting against national security and propagating against the government. Some of these people were arrested in 2009 and spent time in prison. They were sentenced to 3-16 years of prison. Their charges were having email communications with a number of people outside of the country. Three of them identified as Ali Ebadi, Mohammad Mirzayi and Mehdi Jalili are currently in prison and the rest are free on bail.

Notably, Ali Ebadi is a former political prisoner and has been detained in a solitary cell for more than a year.

Some of those sentenced are as follows:

Ali Ebadi, six years of prison

Mehdi Jalili, 16 years of prison

Hassan Oganji, 6 years of prison

Zohre Ebadi, wife of Hassan Oganji, three and a half years of prison

Javad Ebadi, 3 years of prison

Ahmad Mirzayi, six years of prison

Mohammad Ghobrayi, six years of prison

Salmas Parsi, three years of prison (Peik-e Iran – Nov. 15, 2010)


Another border tradesman murdered by security forces

Armed forces of the Islamic Republic stationed in the border area in Kurdistan opened fire on a Kurd tradesman in the Nosoud border region and killed him.

According to reports, on Monday November 15, armed forces opened fire on a group of tradesmen (carriers who carry goods on their backs) in an ambush.

As a result, a carrier identified as Shahu Babayi from the Sarkhaban Village was shot and instantly died. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 15, 2010)

Iran detains 5 lawyers on security charges - report

Five lawyers have been arrested in Iran for security-related offences, a local news agency said on Sunday, the latest in a series of arrests of human rights' activists since last year's disputed presidential election.

Tehran general prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi said three of the lawyers were arrested when they returned from a trip to Turkey, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

"Two other lawyers related to the three were also detained in Iran," the prosecutor told Fars.

"They have been detained for committing security-related offences and violating the Islamic Republic's moral standards outside Iran," he said, without elaborating on the charges.

Sara Sabaghian, Maryam Kian-Ersi and Maryam Karbasi were arrested at Tehran's International Imam Khomeini Airport on Saturday, the Sharq newspaper reported…

Judiciary chief Sadeq Larijani has warned lawyers over criticising the judicial system and on giving interviews to foreign media, the moderate Arman newspaper reported on Sunday. (Reuters - Nov 14, 2010)

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