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Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 26 augusti 2010 10:32

Prisoners of Conscience

UN expert urges Iran to end US hiker's solitary confinement

Fri Aug 13, 2010

UNITED NATIONS (AFP) – A UN expert on torture has appealed to Tehran to end the solitary confinement of Sarah Shourd, one of the three US hikers detained without trial for more than a year in Iran, her mother said Friday.

Nora Shourd told AFP that she was informed two days ago that the urgent appeal from Manfred Nowak, the UN special rapporteur on torture, was forwarded to Iranian authorities through the Geneva-based UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights.

"He (Nowak) is waiting for their response," she said in a telephone interview from Pine City, Minnesota, recalling that her 31-year-old daughter has a pre-cancerous cervical condition, a lump in her breast and suffers from depression.

She said she turned to Nowak after receiving an unexpected call from her daughter complaining that she was still in solitary confinement and had been denied medical care since five months ago.

She said Sarah's case amounted to psychological torture based on her solitary confinement and denial of medical care.

"Sarah's treatment is cruel, inhuman and degrading and Iran has been deaf to all my appeals, including the results of the only medical tests Sarah had five months ago," Shourd added.

Earlier this month, Shourd and the mothers of the two other detained hikers -- Shane Bauer, 27, and Josh Fattal, 27 -- accused Iranian authorities of using their children as bargaining chips.

They said Tehran has no evidence to back up new claims that the three Americans had threatened Iranian security.

"If Iran believes it has any reason to charge our children, it should do so without delay and give them a fair trial in a public court of law," the mothers said.

The three US hikers were arrested by Iranian troops on July 31, 2009 after they reportedly strayed into Iran from across the border with Iraqi Kurdistan where they were vacationing.

Late last month, US President Barack Obama called on Iran to "immediately release" the three hikers, saying they had never worked for the US government and had committed "absolutely no crime."

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 26 augusti 2010 10:30

A letter by Mahdieh Golroo from prison on her wedding anniversary:

They smell your breath…making sure you never said I love youThey smell your heart. It’s a stranger world. (from a poem by Ahmad Shamloo) They smell your breath! Perhaps Shamloo never thought that this poem of his became a real testament to 32 days of solitary and three months of imprisonment.


While I was been interrogated at one moment this line of his poem went through my mind and I asked the interrogator: “what’s the reason for Vahid’s arrest?” and as abrasive as ever, he replied: “since we knew how close you two were and we knew your relationship, we knew that while he is in prison, it would be easier for us to make you talk”. At that moment I felt like they have smelled my breath and they have found out about the love we had grown in the back room of our house. But love is not like inheritance money to stay secret in the back of your pockets. I want to bring this love out in the open.

It doesn’t matter what people say. One must write transparently, whether you write of love or of justice. The language is so clear that even if the stupid people read it 100 times, they still won’t be able to understand. This feeling stayed with me until today, our anniversary and I use this occasion as an excuse to write about it.

My dear with the memories of ward 209 we can now say that we were able to love each other at the biggest enemy den and we can say that we were alive. And now, three months after the last time I saw you without these rusty glasses and here is another document to prove their ‘justice and compassion’. But just like injustice was able to come over us, justice will also overcome some day. And this is the result of the efforts of our generation who was born in the dark years of war and years later fell in love. This love tells us not to lose hope because good years are waiting around the corner. But my dear love through the nine months I have spent without you, our lives were tried and my songs echoed through each prison bar and each wall.

Here, everywhere you look you see separation. My days of my 25th year pass in a corner while being imprisoned. The days are lost and the bitterness grows on my tongue. My freedom looks faded and I have lost a lot and I have not even gained little and I have been sacrificed by things I cannot have. They say that in prison evenings are heavy and nights squeeze one’s soul. If you see sorrow in my eyes, it doesn’t belong to me. My sorrow is no more than the sorrow that lives outside these walls where injustices had made it unbearable. Here it’s only being away from your that makes me cringe. Here nobody can love anyone as much as they love their freedom…but I can…

I know that doubts turn into a big weight on your shoulders and your hope will be lost in defeat. But it’s at the very same moment that you have to remember that fighting for a better life brings us ‘alive’. It does not just bring us ‘living’. If you had not saved yourself from everyday routines and had you not thrown yourself out there, you would have turned into a spring well in a mountain where aside from the sheep and the shepherds no one would have come for a visit. You would have been a spring well who would have no visitors but the old wolves. But now our lives have turned into a sea where the water never reeks of staleness. Today there is a big distance between us and I am afraid you will think that I have chosen my rights over our love but your love was part of my right that has been denied to me along with all my other rights. And at this point I am full of desire for you and pregnant with big changes to come.

“A bit of patiance…and the dawn is near”

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 26 augusti 2010 09:58

Violation of Women’s Rights


Shiva Nazar Ahari’s Lawyer Concerned About Her Verdict on the Charge of Moharebeh

17th August 2010

Shiva Nazar Ahari’s lawyer, Mohammad Sharif, has expressed concern about his client’s upcoming trial considering the heavy charge of moharebeh (enmity with God) in her case. “Shiva Nazar Ahari’s case is being reviewed in the same branch that reviewed Badrolssadat Mofidi’s case. I believe the ruling in Ms. Mofidi’s case to be illegal and therefore am seriously concerned about the court’s potential ruling, considering the fact that my client’s initial charge is moharebeh,” he told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.

According to Sharif, one of his concerns is that even though the presiding judge for Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Courts is a known judge, another judge appeared at Ms. Mofidi’s trial. “My client has been informed of three charges. One of her charges is moharebeh, enmity with God, the subject of Article 186. The other charge is assembly and collusion to commit a crime, the subject of Article 610. Her final charge is propagating against the regime, based on Article 500,” said Sharif. “I have read Shiva Nazar Ahari’s case file.  I have written my defense bill and have submitted it,” he added.

Nazar Ahari’s mother, Shahrzad Kariman, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that she is unaware of the charges. Regarding whether her daughter was informed of her charges, Kariman said, “Maybe they have served Dr. Sharif, but I don’t know anything about it. The moharebeh charge was conveyed in June 2009, but we didn’t think it was in this case. When Dr. Sharif read the case for the 23 May court session, we realized that when she had first been arrested in 2009, one of the four charges the judge had written in her case was moharebeh. When she was re-arrested on 20 December 2009, moharebeh was not one of her charges.”

“Shiva is in a state of limbo. Her court date was announced so late. They were going to move the date forward, but nothing has happened yet. The situation in the Women’s Ward is dire. Most days there is no water. The situation with hygiene is terrible. The situation with food is extremely bad,” said Kariman. Quoting the lawyer, she described Nazar Ahari’s imprisonment as illegal. “She has been in this limbo for nine months. According to Dr. Sharif, Shiva has been illegally detained for the past three months, because a temporary detention can only be extended up to six months. Continuing a suspect’s detention beyond six months requires a court ruling which Shiva’s case doesn’t have,” she said.

Shiva Nazar Ahari is a human rights activist and editor of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters website. She was arrested on 14 June 2009 in her office. After spending 102 days in detention, she was released on 23 September 2009 on $200,000 bail. She spent 33 days of her detention in solitary confinement. She was arrested for the second time on 20 December 2009, and has remained in prison without furlough and without any explanation from authorities about the reasons for her imprisonment. The second session of her trial is said to be scheduled for 4 September 2010.

Badrolssadat Mofidi is Secretary General of the Iranian Journalists Association who was recently sentenced to six years’ imprisonment and five years’ deprivation from press activities by Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Courts.

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 24 augusti 2010 20:16

En pålitlig källa av omfattande Khbraz Vakil Abad fängelset i Mashhad "

AV- Fri Messenger - Ghasedane Azadi kl. den 24 Augusti 2010 kl. 12:34

En pålitlig källa i Iran Kampanj Bshrdr tjänstemän inom rättsväsendet sade Vakil Abad fängelset i Mashhad under de senaste månaderna mer än ett hundra majoritet av dem har dömts för narkotika har genomförts och genomförandet fortsätter. Enligt denna källa varje vecka dussintals människor dömts till döden i de flesta av dem narkotikarelaterade brott i fängelse, vara Vakil Abad Mashhad hängd : " Förra onsdagen var 68 personer avrättades under de kommande veckorna sade att avrättningarna kommer att fortsätta. " Enligt statistiken döms han en advokat i fängelse för fem Badmshhd 101 , 102 , 103 , 104 och över hundratals Qrntyh är. Kampanj Amardryafty till bekräfta detaljerna från andra källor och att vägra rättslig Irans folk kommer att handla om nyheter i en vecka parti dömda drog har föreslagits vara ansvarig och ge korrekt information om vad fängelset i görs för att betala. källan nämnt för Internationella kampanjen för mänskliga rättigheter i Iran sa nyligen att Mellanöstern i ett brev till Irans högste ledare ayatolla Ali Khamenei skrivit om dömda folkomröstningen har . att ta hänsyn till noggrannhet som vi särskilt utbredd avrättningar av fångar i Mashhad droger nämns av källan till kampanjen måste särskilt Ahmad, den religiösa forskare och studerande av Ayatollah Montazeri efter juni 89 begravas i sin lärare greps efter tolerans Neyshabur 170 dagar i fängelse fängelse mot borgen på 50 miljoner USD i just denna fråga vi var fria . Han svarade på frågor om riktigheten i kampanjen så här, åtminstone när Vakil Abad fängelset har sagt: " Varken fängelset nära Lai såg och som resten av fönstret och vägen inte klara sig , men nyheten Jag hörde . tillfångatagna soldater som du och jag är människor och nyheterna är också överförs. under automatisk Frisk luft när de såg var 50 personer avrättades under samma dag hade vi 170 . " Hans kampanj säger att nyheten om utförande men inte under 18 -åringar erinras om att fängelsevakter , två unga män i åldern 18 till 50 fängslade människorna där har Mashhad . Denna religiösa akademiker fortsatte: " artikel 6 / 1 om Vi var , förutom att hålla platsen var en långsiktig fångar Sweet , är en tid att dessa individer ett par timmar innan de avrättades där och ge förutsättningar så att alla förändringar sågs i en klausul exekveras. Så att alla dörrar var stängda , om tiden hade telefon telefoner var urkopplad och även trafik från andra fängelsepersonal förbjöds på grund av den 6 / 1 Direkt under kontoret var att skydda fängelse " . hon kan om de nyheter som publicerats Under de senaste dagarna beroende av genomförandet av 70 , sade: "Jag har ingen särskild studie i detta avseende och medier har läst. tyvärr har jag tillgång till både fängsla Pyshynm Den enda familj jag vet att offren för denna siffra vid leverans begravning Men formulären läsa att veta att bestämmelsen kan godtas , och uppenbarligen finns det inget utrymme för avslaget. emellertid fångvaktare och andra fångar en del av denna gemenskap och därmed nyheter bröst bröst sänds. synnerhet att händelserna i vårt land i detta låg att den inte har hänt . " Ahmed handla om huruvida ett stort antal fångar i fängelset kan det finnas ett dödsstraff kampanj , sade: " Ett mycket vanligt att det finns människor i fängelse en lång tid sitter i fängelse , medan en dom . " Han tillade: " är personer som anklagas för mord döms till döden men när familjen inte kommer att lockas att begära nåd av offrets familj att flytta med blod pengar till . Dessutom , de som olagligt medföra vapen avgifter men dömdes till ett fängelse under den tid som måste utföras innan Srknnd . så nu att du talar med hundratals människor sitter i fängelse ett par år , vars utförande dom som meddelats är . även samma som 01/06 att vi bodde för denna person under 13 år i fängelse för att transportera olagliga vapen och dömdes till döden hittades. om de andra samtidigt som återvänder från domstolen handbojor oss tillsammans drabbades med personlig massa av 70 kg kristall med en lång tid han satt i fängelse i samma mening hade utfärdats för honom. "

Å andra sidan källan till korrekt information från den statliga fängelset avrättningarna advokat kampanj har gett plats för åtalade dömdes till döden i Mashhad i Vakil Abad fängelset punkt 6 under dataskydd Vmthman fängelse i två serier i varje månad och varje Serie nummer mellan 30 och fyrtio personer har avrättats som kollektiv. Denna kampanj källa sade: "Till exempel, under månaderna oktober 88 till maj 89 , nästan 150 personer har avrättats , men bara en gång förklarade att endast fem personer har avrättats Frvdyn 19 , 89 . Även om detta datum 35 att personer avrättades i åtta av dem var kvinnor. "Övriga upplysningar i detta hänseende att kampanjen måste antalet kollektiva Krdkh under de senaste en månad två gånger i månaden till fyra gånger per månad har ökat . Är det antal personer har avrättats mellan 60 till 70 siffror är: " Hundratals dömts till döden fängelse i Mashhad Vakil Abad lidit . "Enligt de källor som nämns i dagarna av turneringen massa vara Vakil Abad fängelset telefonen är urkopplad . 1-6 av det allmänna telefonnätet inga fängelser eller två gånger per vecka under korta perioder får kalla . Internationella kampanjen för mänskliga rättigheter i Iran, gjorde sin djupa oro situationen för de tvetydiga siffror och Marv av olika källor med det lokala kan betraktas av myndigheterna och uttryckte utkräva ansvar och öppenhet av information om genomförandet av omfattande Vakil Abad fängelset i fängelser och andra länder.

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 24 augusti 2010 19:47

100 städer mot stening

På lördag blir det manifestation i hundratals städer världen över, bland annat i Helsingborg, mot Irans hårda avrättningsdomar.

Helsingborg. Det är den tredje globala manifestationen för den 43-åriga tvåbarnsmamman Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani som dömdes till stening 2006 efter att ha anklagats för att ha haft en utomäktenskaplig relation.

I fyra år har hon suttit fängslad och bland annat fått ta emot 99 piskrapp.

För en tid sedan ändrade Iran steningsdomen efter internationella påtryckningar och omvandlade den till hängning, en dom som nu Sakineh väntar på. Iranskans öde har haft stor internationell genomslagskraft och hittills ska en miljon namnunderskrifter ha samlats in för att få Iran att ändra sin inhumana rättspraxis.

Enligt uppgifter har hundratals iranska kvinnor stenats till döds bara under de senaste decennierna. Just nu sitter ett tjugotal kvinnor i iranska fängelser och väntar med samma domar.

– Syftet är att de här barbariska straffen ska upphävas och att alla som är dömda till stening ska friges, säger Hasan Salehi, från Malmö och aktiv i Kommittén mot avrättning och stening, en av fyra människorättsorganisationer som arrangerar lördagens världsomspännande manifestation.

I Helsingborg samlas man på lördag på Gustaf Adolfs torg mellan klockan 14-15.30 Där finns det chans att också skriva på protestlistor. Andra svenska städer där det hålls manifestationer vid ungefär samma klockslag är Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Karlskrona, Borås och Visby.

– Det folkliga stödet är stort. Vi hade önskat att det gjordes mer även på både politisk och diplomatisk nivå. Vi är mycket kritiska till att den svenska regeringen inte har satt mer press på Iran att följa de mänskliga rättigheterna, äger Hasan Salehi.

Anna Anklam/City Helsingborg

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 23 augusti 2010 18:11

Vi skriver på för Sakineh

Skriver inte under Statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt (M) skri
Skriver inte under Statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt (M) skriver av princip aldrig under några upprop – men hoppas att Sverige ska reagera .

Sex partiledare fördömer domen mot kvinnan i Iran

Alla partiledare – utom statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt (M) – skriver under Aftonbladets upprop för Sakineh.

– Visst kan vi i Sverige påverka genom att visa vår ståndpunkt. Också korrupta regimer som den i Iran är måna om sitt rykte, säger Miljöpartiets Maria Wetterstrand.

Över 100 000 svenskar har redan skrivit på Aftonbladets protestlista mot domen mot tvåbarnsmamman Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, som ska stenas till döds i Iran.

Sex av sju partiledare för riksdagspartierna skriver också under utan att tveka – i fråga om att fördöma steningen i Iran är alla överens, oavsett politisk färg.

”Medeltida fasoner”

– Det hon utsätts för är fruktansvärt. Jag blir förtvivlad över att sådana medeltida fasoner förekommer år 2010, säger utbildningsminister Jan Björklund (FP).

– Iran ser inte kvinnor som mänskliga varelser, säger Mona Sahlin (S).

Statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt (M) skriver av princip aldrig under några upprop – men hoppas att Sverige ska reagera.

– Exakt hur får Carl Bildt och UD avgöra, säger han.

Hoppas på effekt

Han hoppas också, liksom övriga partiledare, att uppmärksamheten ska få effekt.

– Jag hoppas att den ger tryck mot det förfärliga sättet att bete sig och att vi har den här typen av fenomen i världen.

Alla är övertygade om att den iranska regimen trots allt är mån om sitt rykte.

– Uppmärksamheten kring enskilda fall har många gånger varit skillnaden mellan liv och död, säger socialminister Göran Hägglund (KD).

– Det är modigt av er – och det är modigt av henne att vara så offentlig, säger Mona Sahlin.

– Tystnad är det värsta som kan hända dem som blir förtryckta.

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 23 augusti 2010 09:52

Stoning to death

EDITORIAL: The stoners of Iran 

Tortured view of justice from a brutal regime

The Islamic Republic of Iran has a habit of throwing rocks at its perceived enemies, but the Mullahs in Tehran are slowly learning that the civilized world will not countenance the practice. Iranian officials last week commuted the sentence of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani , a 43-year-old woman who had been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery. But all is not well yet.

When news of Mrs. Ashtiani's sentence began reaching the outside world in recent weeks, it prompted an international outcry.

‘Death by stoning is always cruel and inhuman, and it is especially abhorrent in cases where judges rely on their own hunches instead of evidence to proclaim a defendant guilty,' said Nadya Khalife of Human Rights Watch last week.

Democratic Sen. John Kerry, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, condemned Iran 's execution method as 'appalling' and 'barbaric-‘.

The Web is replete with videos of stonings in Iran that show women buried up to their necks and pelted with stones hefty enough to inflict injury but not large enough to kill. Victims often die in slow agony.

Human rights organizations now fear that authorities will simply take an alternate tack and hang Mrs. Ashtiani instead. Chillingly, Iranian television broadcast a blurry interview with the woman on Wednesday in which she purportedly confessed to adultery and a new charge of complicity in

the murder of her husband. But her lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaei, said the confession had been extracted through torture. Mr. Mostafaei himself was forced to flee Iran earlier this month and seek asylum in Norway after learning that his vociferous defense of Mrs. Ashtiani was about to result in his arrest.

New York-based Human Rights Watch expressed 'grave concerns' Friday that the televised confession signals that her execution is imminent-.

Amnesty International also denounced the broadcast: 'It appears that Iran's authorities have orchestrated this 'confession,' following the call for a judicial review,' said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, deputy director at Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa program.

The organization said it is aware of at least 10 other people - seven women and three men - under a death sentence by stoning. Last year, at least three people sentenced to death by stoning were in fact hung.

Stoning was integrated into Iran's legal system in 1983 with the adoption of the Islamic Penal Code. An official moratorium was placed on the practice in 2002 but judges have continued to issue the sentence. The Iranian parliament has been considering a revision of the code that would exclude stoning but it has yet to be ratified.

Iran is discovering that few outside the Middle East favor the Mullahs' attempt to drag humanity back to an earlier era in human history, before justice was tempered by forgiveness-.

Only the benighted would willingly return to a world devoid of compassion for human frailty embodied by the wise words, 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone’.

It is long past time for Iran to remove the barbaric practice of stoning from its legal code, once and for all. (The Washington Times – Aug. 16, 2010)


150 people stoned in Iran in last 30 years

The website of French daily Le Figaro wrote that a number of cultural and literary personalities and Nobel laureates protested Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani’s stoning sentence saying that in the last 30 years, 150 stoning sentences were carried out in Iran. The French daily also said that there are currently three men and eight women in Iran who have been sentenced to death by stoning. (Radio Farda website – Aug. 17, 2010) 


Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 23 augusti 2010 09:50



More than 70 prisoners, including minors, executed in Mashhad in matter of days

There are reports that in the past few days, more than 70 prisoners in Mashhad Prison were suddenly executed.

According to reports from Mashhad, some of these people were arrested on drug related charges and were not sentenced to death and some of them were even sentenced to pay a fine. But suddenly a judicial order was issued for their execution.

It is still not clear why this order was issued but there are speculations that this has been carried out upon orders of security and intelligence institutions.

Before this in a similar case in this city in the beginning of the reign of the 9th government (Ahmadinejad government) when a top security agent was linked to drug trafficking gangs, more than 60 people who were related to this case were suddenly executed. A number of them were relatives of security forces.

According to reports, a number of the recently arrested prisoners were under 18 years old or arrested as minors. (Nedaye Sabze Azadi Website – Aug. 14, 2010)


Report on mass executions in Mashhad

According to information from a prisoner of conscience in the Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad, 64 people were executed on August 11 or 12, 2010 (in one day) in this prison. Most of them were charged with trafficking narcotics and similar crimes. Thirty others will be executed in the next two days. (Iran Press News – Aug. 15, 2010)


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