Alla inlägg under september 2010

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 23 september 2010 14:16

ايران سه قاچاقچى مواد مخدر را بدار آويخت

خبرگزارى ايسنا روز سهشنبه گزارش داد، ايران سه مرد  كه بهخاطر قاچاق مواد مخدر مجرم شناخته شدند را دريك زندان در مركز شهر يزد بدار آويخته است.

اين گزارش نمىگويد كه اين اعدامها چه موقع اجرا شده است. (خبرگزارى فرانسه - 30/6/89)

اجراي حکم اعدام يک زنداني در زاهدان

روز يک شنبه 28 شهريور ماه يک مرد در زندان زاهدان به جرم قتل اعدام شد.

به گزارش سايت رسمي دادگستري سيستان و بلوچستان بامداد يکشنبه ۲۸ شهريور ماه يک زنداني بنام "کشور گرگ" در زندان زاهدان به دار آويخته شد.

بنا به اين گزارش اين فرد به اتهام قتل يک دختر ۶ ساله به نام نرجس به اعدام محکوم شده بود. اين اتهام توسط هيچ منبع مستقلي تائيد نگشته است. (هرانا – 30/6/89)

محکوميت فرشاد دوستي پور به دو سال زندان

فرشاد دوستي پور دانشجوي کرد دانشگاه بوعلي همدان از سوي دادگاه انقلاب به دو سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد.

بنابه اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، اين فعال دانشجويي که در سال 86 بهدليل شرکت در مراسم روز دانشجو بازداشت و مدت دو ماه در بند 209 زندان اوين نگهداري شده بود از سوي شعبه 28 دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي مقيسه به اتهام ارتکاب جرايم عليه امنيت کشور، فعاليت تبليغي عليه نظام جمهوري اسلامي به دو سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شده است.  (سايت هرانا- 30/6/89)

تاييد حکم پنج سال زندان مهدي محموديان توسط دادگاه تجديدنظر

حکم پنج سال حبس تعزيري مهدي محموديان عضو جبهه مشارکت، در دادگاه تجديدنظر تاييد و به وکيل وي ابلاغ گرديد.

به گزارش جرس، حکم محموديان که هم اکنون در زندان رجايي شهر به سر مي برد، به وکيل وي ابلاغ شده است. اين فعال مطبوعاتي، ٢۵ شهريورماه سال گذشته و در جريان حوادث بعد از انتخابات و وقايع کهريزک، بازداشت گرديد و از آن زمان حتي يک روز هم به مرخصي اعزام نگرديد.

محموديان نقش مهم و اساسي در افشاي جنايت کهريزک، انتشار اسامي بالغ بر ۷۰ تن از شهداي پس از انتخابات و همچنين فيلم منتشر شده از دفن پنهاني و  دسته جمعي شهداي جنبش سبز در قطعه ٣۰٢ بهشت زهرا داشت. (جرس – 30/6/89)

شش سال زندان و پنج سال محروميت براي عمادالدين باقي

عماالدين باقي، روزنامه‌نگار و فعال حقوق بشر ايران پس از تحمل چهار سال ونيم زندان به هفت سال ديگر زندان و پنج سال محروميت محکوم شد.

عمادالدين باقي در پرونده مربوط به مصاحبه با آيت الله منتظري به شش سال زندان محکوم شد. اين مصاحبه پس از درگذشت ايشان در ديماه سال گذشته از بي بي سي پخش شده بود. دادگاه باقي در تاريخ ۲۶مرداد۸۹ در شعبه ۲۶ به رياست پيرعباسي برگزار شد. باقي در ارتباط با اين مصاحبه به تبليغ عليه نظام و اجتماع و تباني براي برهم زدن امنيت کشور محکوم گرديده است... (رهانا – 30/6/89)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 22 september 2010 12:39

Iran hangs three men: report

Iran hanged on Monday two men convicted of drug trafficking and another found guilty of murder, in a prison in the southwestern city of Ahvaz, Fars news agency reported.

The men were only identified in the report by their initials as A. Gh., S.F., Gh. J. (AFP - Sept 20, 2010)


Female political prisoner under severe pressure to confess to fabricated drug charge

According to reports, intelligence interrogators are putting severe pressure on Iranian Dutch citizen Zahra Bahrami to confess in court to the fabricated charge of possessing and selling narcotics.

This political prisoner has been under severe pressure and threatened in the past weeks in the notorious cellblock 209 in Evin Prison to confess in court. After protests from the government of Holland, human rights organizations and the Dutch media, intelligence agents are trying to belittle her political charges and bring to attention false narcotics charges to give her a heavier sentence in this way.

Bahrami was taken to see Salavati, the head of the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court on September 8. She refused to talk in court without her lawyer, Nasrin Sutodeh and her trial was postponed. Salavati stressed on the charge of possessing and selling narcotics and the heavy sentences that she would receive because of it in this court session.

This political prisoner was once again summoned to the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court on September 11 and Salavati announced to her that she would be tried on September

23. Her lawyer is currently in prison and Bahrami does not have a lawyer.

This 45 year old political prisoner is a mother of two and has dual Dutch-Iranian nationality. She came to Iran to see her child and was arrested in the Ashura protests. She was then mentally and physically tortured while detained. Intelligence interrogators in the Sepah Cellblock in Gohardasht Prison and in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison have put her under severe pressure and torture and forced her into giving televised confessions against herself which was broadcasted from state-run TV. These interrogators have used these confessions against her in court. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 20, 2010)


Iran kills another young man under torture

Naser Alizadeh, a Kurd man from a village in Salmas who was arrested last Monday along with a number of other people by security forces, died after being tortured.

He had gone to the border for mountain climbing with a number of other people last Monday when he was arrested by security forces.

Naser Alizadeh passed away on Thursday September 16 under severe torture by security forces and his body was handed to his family for burial on Friday.

Notably, regime forces have threatened his family that they cannot hold a mourning ceremony for him.

Alizadeh was a soldier in Tehran who had come back to his village on a leave and was arrested on charges of cooperating with a dissident Kurd party. (Kurdistan News Agency – Sep. 20, 2010)


Iran exerts more pressure on its former reporter

Siamak Qaderi, a former reporter and journalist for the state run IRNA (Islamic Republic News Agency) is under pressure to confess to false charges in Evin Prison’s cellblock 209.

He was arrested on July 27, 2010 after security and intelligence agents raided his home and took him to Evin Prison for creating a weblog called ‘Our IRNA’ and publishing posts of his eyewitness accounts of the popular protests in the green movement.

He is still kept in prison without being given his minimum rights and is under pressure to confess to fabricated charges.

Despite claims by the officials of the Islamic Republic that prisoners’ families are not put under pressure, his wife and child are not able to access their bank accounts or use their credit cards…

Qaderi who officially worked as an editor, journalist and reporter for IRNA for 18 years was arrested by security forces after pressure from the head of this news agency while resting in his home and was thrown in solitary from the very beginning.

Immediately after his arrest, the assistant head of news at IRNA said in a short report in this news agency that ‘Siamak Q. a pro-green seditionist journalist was arrested on immoral charges’. (Jaras Website – Sep. 20, 2010)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 22 september 2010 12:37

گزارش: ايران دو قاچاقچى مواد مخدر و يك قاتل را اعدام كرد

خبرگزارى فارس گزارش كرد ايران روز دوشنبه در زندان اهواز در جنوب دو مرد را به جرم قاچاق مواد مخدر  و يك نفر   ديگر را  به جرم   قتل اعدام كرد.

اين سه نفر در گزارش مخابره شده با حروف اول اسم بهعنوان   الف. ق  ،   س. ف و ق. ج. مشخص شدهاند…  (خبرگزارى فرانسه - 29/6/89)

خانم بهرامي تحت فشار شديد براي اعتراف به نگهداري و فروش مواد مخدر در دادگاه است

بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات خانم زهرا بهرامي شهروند ايراني- هلندي را تحت شديدترين فشارها قرار داده اند که به اتهام ساختگي و نسبت داده شده نگهداري و فروش مواد مخدر در دادگاه اعتراف کند.

خانم بهرامي در طي چند هفتۀ گذشته تحت شديدترين فشارها و تهديدات بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات در بند مخوف 209 زندان اوين قرار دارد تا نسبت به اتهام جعلي داشتن مواد مخدر و همچنين افزودن اتهام جديد ديگري مبني برفروش مواد مخدر در دادگاه اعتراف کند. بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات پس از اعتراضات دولت هلند،سازمانهاي حقوق بشري و رسانه ها جمعي اين کشور سعي دارند که به اتهامات سياسي او کمتر بها دهند و اتهام ساختگي نگهداري و فروش مواد مخدر را برجسته کنند تا از اين طريق محکوميت سنگين و ضدبشري را عليه او بکار ببرند.

زنداني سياسي زهرا بهرامي در روزهاي 17 و 20 شهريور ماه نزد صلواتي قاضي فرمايشي و رئيس شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب برده شد.او بدون حضور وکليش خانم ستوده در دادگاه از پاسخگويي خوداري کرد و دادگاه وي به تعويق افتاد. در دادگاه صلواتي بر روي مسئله نگهداري و فروش مواد مخدر ومجازات سنگيني که متوجه او خواهد بود تاکيد داشت.

زنداني سياسي زهرا بهرامي آخرين بار 20 شهريور ماه به شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب احضار شده صلواتي قاضي فرمايشي به او اعلام کرد که اول مهر ماه مورد محاکمه قرار خواهد گرفت. خانم ستوده وکيل خانم بهرامي در بازداشت بسر مي برد و در حال حاضر از داشتن وکيل محروم مي باشد.

زنداني سياسي زهرا بهرامي 45 ساله و داراي 2 فرزند است. او داراي مليت ايراني- هلندي است و به قصد ديدن فرزندش به ايران مسافرت کرده بود که در اعتراضات روز عاشورا دستگير و تحت شکنجه هاي وحشيانه جسمي و روحي قرار گرفت. بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات در بند سپاه زندان گوهردشت کرج و در بند 209 زندان اوين او را تحت شکنجه ها و فشارهاي قرون وسطائي قرار دادند و وي را وادار به اعترافات تلويزيوني عليه خود نمودند.اين اعترافات دورغين از تلويزيونهاي دولتي پخش گرديده است. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 29/6/89)

مرگ جوان کرد بر اثر شکنجه مزدوران رژيم ايران   

ناصر عليزاده جوان کرد اهل روستاي "کوره ره‌ش" واقع در منطقه‌ي سلماس روز دوشنبه هفته‌ي گذشته که به همراه چند نفر ديگر توسط نيروهاي رژيم بازداشت شده بود، به علت شکنجه شديد جان خود را از دست داد.

خبرگزاري کردستان با انتشار اين خبر اعلام کرد: نامبرده به همراه چند جوان ديگر روز دوشنبه گذشته به هدف کوهنوردي به يک منطقه‌ي مرزي مراجعه که توسط نيروهاي نظامي رژيم دستگير شدند.

ناصر عليزاده يکي از بازداشت‌شدگان، روز پنجشنبه 25 شهريورماه تحت شکنجه‌هاي شديد نيروهاي نظامي رژيم جان خود را از دست داده و جنازه وي روز جمعه به خانواده‌اش تحويل داده شد.

شايان ذکر است که نيروهاي رژيم خانواده ناصر عليزاده را مورد تهديد قرار داده، مبني بر اينکه از برگزراي مراسم ختم براي فرزندشان خودداري نمايند.

ناصر عليزاده در تهران سرباز بوده و جهت مرخصي به روستاي خود مراجعه نموده بود که به اتهام همکاري با يکي از احزاب کرد مخالف رژيم بازداشت شد. (خبرگزاري كردستان – 29/6/89)

افزايش فشار بر سيامک قادري خبرنگار زنداني ايرنا

سيامک قادري، روزنامه‌نگار و خبرنگار خبرگزاري جمهوري اسلامي دربند ۲۰۹ زندان اوين براي اعترافات ساختگي تحت فشار قرار دارد.

 سيامک قادري که در تاريخ پنج مرداد ۱۳۸۹ با يورش نيروهاي امنيتي و اطلاعات به منزلش دستگير و روانه زندان اوين شد، به دليل ايجاد وبلاگ «ايرناي ما» و انتشار گزارش‌هاي عيني خود از تظاهرات مردم در جنبش سبز و انعکاس اخبار و تحولات حرکت اعتراضي مردم دستگير شد.

به گزارش جرس،  وي هنوز بدون برخورداري از حقوق اوليه خود در زندان براي اعتراف ساختگي تحت فشار قرار دارد.

بر خلاف ادعاهاي مقامات جمهوري اسلامي مبني بر اينکه خانواده زندانيان تحت فشار قرار نمي‌گيرند، همسر و فرزند قادري نيز از دسترسي به حساب بانکي و کارت‌هاي اعتباري خود محروم شده‌اند...

سيامک قادري که حدود ۱۸ سال به عنوان دبير، خبرنگار، گزارش‌نويس براي ايرنا به طور رسمي کار مي‌کرد، با فشار مدير عامل اين خبرگزاري و هجوم نيروهاي امنيتي به منزل‌اش در حالي که تنها در حال استراحت بود دستگير شد و از همان ابتدا به زندان انفرادي منتقل شد.

بلافاصله بعد از دستگيري، معاون خبر ايرنا در خبري کوتاه بر روي خروجي ايرنا اعلام کرد سيامک. ق يکي از روزنامه‌نگاران طرفدار فتنه سبز به دلائل مسائل اخلاقي دستگير شد. (جرس – 29/6/89)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 21 september 2010 21:21

Systematic violations of the right to life

Executions, arbitrary killings, deaths in custody, and death sentences



Iran hangs person in Shirvan: report

Iran has hanged a convicted drug trafficker in the northeastern city of Shirvan, the Fars news agency reported on Thursday.

The report did not identify the person sent to gallows, neither did it say when the execution was carried out. (AFP - Sept 15, 2010)

Iran hangs prisoners after 173 lashes

A 25 year old man was hanged yesterday in the Khoran Prison yard in Varamin after receiving 173 lashes.

According to state-run TV, Seyed Reza Hosseini, the Varamin Prosecutor said, “This 25 year old man was sentenced to two deaths, paying a blood money and 173 lashes on charges of kidnapping, intentionally injuring someone, intentional sabotage and using obscene language”. This sentence was upheld in the Supreme Court. Hosseini also said that the convicted man was lashed 173 times before his execution. (Human Rights Activists in Iran, Fars state-run News Agency – Sep. 17, 2010)

Deaths in custody


Kurd prisoner dies under torture in Iran

According to Kurdish sources, Ravand Mohammad Ismail, an Iraqi Kurd citizen from Qale Dizeh located in Soleimanieh in Iraq’s Kurdistan was arrested in the town of Sardasht by Iranian security forces and passed away after severe torture in the Intelligence Agency. (Iran Press News – Sep. 14, 2010)






Death sentence

Woman who killed her rapist in self defense on verge of execution

Mohabat Mahmoudi said in a telephone call to members of the Kurdistan Human Rights Organization that her death sentence has been announced to the Sentence Implementation Unit and she might soon be executed.

According to reports, she sent a letter to this organization asking for a new lawyer and that human rights organizations and other people try to secure her release.

Mahmoudi has been jailed in the Central Orumieh Prison since 2000 for killing a man who intended to rape her. This married woman is on the verge of death after 9 years of prison and her death sentence has also been upheld by the Supreme Court.

It was announced to her on July 11, 2010 that her sentence, which will be carried out on orders of the judiciary, was upheld. According to reports, the wife of the murdered man disagrees with the execution of Mohabat but his brother wants her execution. (Kurdistan Human Rights News Agency – Sep. 14, 2010)

Inhumane treatment and cruel punishments

Amputation, flogging, torture and humiliation

Paralyzed political prisoner returned to prison before surgery

According to reports, political prisoner Hadi (Homayoun) Bakhoda who was paralyzed in the 1980’s after being shot by security forces was prevented from continuing his treatment and was returned to Rasht Central Prison.

He was granted a medical leave and sent to hospital because of his deteriorating health on orders of a legal doctor. He was prevented from receiving further treatment in the middle of his medical tests before surgery and was returned back to prison on September 4.

This 50 year old political prisoner who is suffering from spastic paralysis and neurogenic bladder was jailed in the infirmary of Rasht Prison since November 8, 2009. He was in a critical condition because of his paralysis and several other problems and was kept in inhumane conditions in the infirmary along with newly arrested drug addicts. Also the appalling sanitary, and food conditions and lack of medical treatment made his condition more critical.

Abedi was sentenced to two years of prison in the second branch of the Revolutionary Court. He was also under severe torture in the 80’s in Evin and Qezelhesar Prison on charges of supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI)...

His brother Hormoz Abed Bakhoda was executed in the 80’s for supporting the PMOI. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 11, 2010)

Political prisoner put under pressure on 64th day of hunger strike

Arjang Davoudi was taken to the Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht Prison) infirmary after two months of hunger strike. He is unable to talk and cannot open his eyes.

Despite his severe critical condition in the infirmary, he was put under pressure to sign a form saying that he would accept the responsibility of the consequences of his hunger strike. He has stressed on continuing his hunger strike until all his demands have been met and refused to sign the form.

Notably, Davoudi’s home was seized under a sentence issued by Judge Hadad who was in charge of his case and was then sold.

Davoudi was arrested on November 9, 2003 on charges of acting against national security and writing the Manifesto for Iranian Secularism and has been detained ever since. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Sep. 15, 2010)

Hunger striking political prisoner writes letter to freedom lovers

Letter written by political prisoner Arjang Davoudi from Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj:

I want to inform everyone of the below issues:

1- The prison medic sets conditions and terms to treat me and asks me to sign that if anything were to happen to me he is not responsible which means he wants me to sign my own murder sentence!

2- The prison nurse reports my blood pressure as 10/8 while the sphygmomanometer which belongs to a prisoner shows that my pressure is 7.5/6

3- The head of the cellblock is indifferent and only says that hunger strikes are illegal!

4- The head of the Prison Protection Unit says that my demands are logical but that I have to end my hunger strike and write my demands down so that they could eventually and slowly meet my long demands and inform higher officials!

5- A prison agent says, so many people have died in prison, you will just by another dead person! ...

10- The Manager of Iran’s Prison Organization has asked the prison manager to see to it that I could visit my family but the prison manager refuses and says that lets punish him some more so that he is forced to end his hunger strike!..

13- The assistant head of security says that his family gives interviews to the foreign media so he can get his requests from them! ...

Now as I enter my 65th day of hunger strike, I salute all those who were killed for freedom and persistently ask freedom lovers around the world, democratic people, human rights institutions especially the Human Rights Commission of the UN and the Secretary General of the UN, Mr. Ban Ki Mon to obligate the Iranian regime to follow the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and if they do not, suspend their chair in the United Nations.

I will stand until my death behind the ideals of freedom and democracy which go back 200 years in Iran.

Arjang Davoudi, teacher, poet and writer, political prisoners in Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj – Sep. 15, 2010 (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Sep. 17, 2010)

Davoudi in danger of death in prison

Sources from inside Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj say that political prisoner Arjang Davoudi is in very critical condition in prison.

These reports say that last night Mr. Davoudi was in a state of delirium and talked about death and his weight has decreased to only 35 kilograms (77 pounds).

According to his cellmates, this political prisoner has continued his hunger strike for 66 days in protest to not being allowed to contact his family and because his complaint against the head of this prison Haj Kazem has not been seen to. His home was also seized and sold off by the justice system. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Sep. 17, 2010)


3 Baluch political prisoners in danger of death in prison

Three young Baluch citizens identified as Nasser Sheh Baksh, Khan La’l Mohammad Sheh Bakhsh and Khaled She Bakhsh who have been arrested on charges of having links to a political organization are in danger of death in prison.

According to Baluchistan human rights activists, these men were arrested around six months ago because their last name resembled that of Haj Khodabakhsh Sheh Baksh, the head of an armed dissent organization. They are in danger of being executed. The family of Nasser was recently able to visit him in prison after many attempts. They said he was in critical condition.

Nasser has severe breathing difficulties because of mistreatment and being kept in an unsuitable place. The families of Nasser and the two other men are concerned that their sons will face the fate of another one of their relatives (Shir Mohammad Sheh Baksh) who was arrested along with

these three and died after being tortured in the Zahedan Intelligence Agency. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 17, 2010)


Prison gang run by officials attempts to behead jailed kickboxing instructor

On Sunday night, unidentified elements in the Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj attempted to kill a jailed kickboxing instructor by beheading him.

According to reports, in this attempt Hassan Armin who is paralyzed in the legs due to torture by the police was severely wounded in the neck and after a light intervention (by prison guards) was taken to a hospital outside of the prison by the infirmary.

Human Rights Activists in Iran had disclosed the existence of gangs inside Rajayi Shahr Prison who physically eliminate prisoners and act in an organized manner upon the orders of prison officials. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 17, 2010)

Arbitrary arrests


Political arrests


Iran jails political activist

Meisam Roudaki was taken to Evin Prison on Saturday September 11 to serve his three years of prison.

According to reports, this political activist was sentenced to three years of prison in June by the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Salavati.

He was charged with acting against national security, membership in a political party and cooperating with the opposition.

Notably, he is suffering from a severe digestive illness and is in a bad health. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 13, 2010)




Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 21 september 2010 21:21

Systematic violations of the right to life

Executions, arbitrary killings, deaths in custody, and death sentences



Iran hangs person in Shirvan: report

Iran has hanged a convicted drug trafficker in the northeastern city of Shirvan, the Fars news agency reported on Thursday.

The report did not identify the person sent to gallows, neither did it say when the execution was carried out. (AFP - Sept 15, 2010)

Iran hangs prisoners after 173 lashes

A 25 year old man was hanged yesterday in the Khoran Prison yard in Varamin after receiving 173 lashes.

According to state-run TV, Seyed Reza Hosseini, the Varamin Prosecutor said, “This 25 year old man was sentenced to two deaths, paying a blood money and 173 lashes on charges of kidnapping, intentionally injuring someone, intentional sabotage and using obscene language”. This sentence was upheld in the Supreme Court. Hosseini also said that the convicted man was lashed 173 times before his execution. (Human Rights Activists in Iran, Fars state-run News Agency – Sep. 17, 2010)

Deaths in custody


Kurd prisoner dies under torture in Iran

According to Kurdish sources, Ravand Mohammad Ismail, an Iraqi Kurd citizen from Qale Dizeh located in Soleimanieh in Iraq’s Kurdistan was arrested in the town of Sardasht by Iranian security forces and passed away after severe torture in the Intelligence Agency. (Iran Press News – Sep. 14, 2010)






Death sentence

Woman who killed her rapist in self defense on verge of execution

Mohabat Mahmoudi said in a telephone call to members of the Kurdistan Human Rights Organization that her death sentence has been announced to the Sentence Implementation Unit and she might soon be executed.

According to reports, she sent a letter to this organization asking for a new lawyer and that human rights organizations and other people try to secure her release.

Mahmoudi has been jailed in the Central Orumieh Prison since 2000 for killing a man who intended to rape her. This married woman is on the verge of death after 9 years of prison and her death sentence has also been upheld by the Supreme Court.

It was announced to her on July 11, 2010 that her sentence, which will be carried out on orders of the judiciary, was upheld. According to reports, the wife of the murdered man disagrees with the execution of Mohabat but his brother wants her execution. (Kurdistan Human Rights News Agency – Sep. 14, 2010)

Inhumane treatment and cruel punishments

Amputation, flogging, torture and humiliation

Paralyzed political prisoner returned to prison before surgery

According to reports, political prisoner Hadi (Homayoun) Bakhoda who was paralyzed in the 1980’s after being shot by security forces was prevented from continuing his treatment and was returned to Rasht Central Prison.

He was granted a medical leave and sent to hospital because of his deteriorating health on orders of a legal doctor. He was prevented from receiving further treatment in the middle of his medical tests before surgery and was returned back to prison on September 4.

This 50 year old political prisoner who is suffering from spastic paralysis and neurogenic bladder was jailed in the infirmary of Rasht Prison since November 8, 2009. He was in a critical condition because of his paralysis and several other problems and was kept in inhumane conditions in the infirmary along with newly arrested drug addicts. Also the appalling sanitary, and food conditions and lack of medical treatment made his condition more critical.

Abedi was sentenced to two years of prison in the second branch of the Revolutionary Court. He was also under severe torture in the 80’s in Evin and Qezelhesar Prison on charges of supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI)...

His brother Hormoz Abed Bakhoda was executed in the 80’s for supporting the PMOI. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 11, 2010)

Political prisoner put under pressure on 64th day of hunger strike

Arjang Davoudi was taken to the Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht Prison) infirmary after two months of hunger strike. He is unable to talk and cannot open his eyes.

Despite his severe critical condition in the infirmary, he was put under pressure to sign a form saying that he would accept the responsibility of the consequences of his hunger strike. He has stressed on continuing his hunger strike until all his demands have been met and refused to sign the form.

Notably, Davoudi’s home was seized under a sentence issued by Judge Hadad who was in charge of his case and was then sold.

Davoudi was arrested on November 9, 2003 on charges of acting against national security and writing the Manifesto for Iranian Secularism and has been detained ever since. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Sep. 15, 2010)

Hunger striking political prisoner writes letter to freedom lovers

Letter written by political prisoner Arjang Davoudi from Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj:

I want to inform everyone of the below issues:

1- The prison medic sets conditions and terms to treat me and asks me to sign that if anything were to happen to me he is not responsible which means he wants me to sign my own murder sentence!

2- The prison nurse reports my blood pressure as 10/8 while the sphygmomanometer which belongs to a prisoner shows that my pressure is 7.5/6

3- The head of the cellblock is indifferent and only says that hunger strikes are illegal!

4- The head of the Prison Protection Unit says that my demands are logical but that I have to end my hunger strike and write my demands down so that they could eventually and slowly meet my long demands and inform higher officials!

5- A prison agent says, so many people have died in prison, you will just by another dead person! ...

10- The Manager of Iran’s Prison Organization has asked the prison manager to see to it that I could visit my family but the prison manager refuses and says that lets punish him some more so that he is forced to end his hunger strike!..

13- The assistant head of security says that his family gives interviews to the foreign media so he can get his requests from them! ...

Now as I enter my 65th day of hunger strike, I salute all those who were killed for freedom and persistently ask freedom lovers around the world, democratic people, human rights institutions especially the Human Rights Commission of the UN and the Secretary General of the UN, Mr. Ban Ki Mon to obligate the Iranian regime to follow the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and if they do not, suspend their chair in the United Nations.

I will stand until my death behind the ideals of freedom and democracy which go back 200 years in Iran.

Arjang Davoudi, teacher, poet and writer, political prisoners in Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj – Sep. 15, 2010 (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Sep. 17, 2010)

Davoudi in danger of death in prison

Sources from inside Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj say that political prisoner Arjang Davoudi is in very critical condition in prison.

These reports say that last night Mr. Davoudi was in a state of delirium and talked about death and his weight has decreased to only 35 kilograms (77 pounds).

According to his cellmates, this political prisoner has continued his hunger strike for 66 days in protest to not being allowed to contact his family and because his complaint against the head of this prison Haj Kazem has not been seen to. His home was also seized and sold off by the justice system. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Sep. 17, 2010)


3 Baluch political prisoners in danger of death in prison

Three young Baluch citizens identified as Nasser Sheh Baksh, Khan La’l Mohammad Sheh Bakhsh and Khaled She Bakhsh who have been arrested on charges of having links to a political organization are in danger of death in prison.

According to Baluchistan human rights activists, these men were arrested around six months ago because their last name resembled that of Haj Khodabakhsh Sheh Baksh, the head of an armed dissent organization. They are in danger of being executed. The family of Nasser was recently able to visit him in prison after many attempts. They said he was in critical condition.

Nasser has severe breathing difficulties because of mistreatment and being kept in an unsuitable place. The families of Nasser and the two other men are concerned that their sons will face the fate of another one of their relatives (Shir Mohammad Sheh Baksh) who was arrested along with

these three and died after being tortured in the Zahedan Intelligence Agency. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 17, 2010)


Prison gang run by officials attempts to behead jailed kickboxing instructor

On Sunday night, unidentified elements in the Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj attempted to kill a jailed kickboxing instructor by beheading him.

According to reports, in this attempt Hassan Armin who is paralyzed in the legs due to torture by the police was severely wounded in the neck and after a light intervention (by prison guards) was taken to a hospital outside of the prison by the infirmary.

Human Rights Activists in Iran had disclosed the existence of gangs inside Rajayi Shahr Prison who physically eliminate prisoners and act in an organized manner upon the orders of prison officials. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 17, 2010)

Arbitrary arrests


Political arrests


Iran jails political activist

Meisam Roudaki was taken to Evin Prison on Saturday September 11 to serve his three years of prison.

According to reports, this political activist was sentenced to three years of prison in June by the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Salavati.

He was charged with acting against national security, membership in a political party and cooperating with the opposition.

Notably, he is suffering from a severe digestive illness and is in a bad health. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 13, 2010)




Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 21 september 2010 21:12

نقض سيستماتيك بر امر حق زيستن 

اعدام و محكوم به اعدام


ايران يك نفر را در شيروان اعدام مي كند

خبرگزارى فارس روز پنجشنبه خبر داد كه  ايران يك متهم به قاچاقچى مواد مخدر را در شهر شيروان در شمال شرقى ايران  بهدار آويخته است.

در اين گزارش هويت اين فرد كه به جوخهدار فرستاده شده مشخص نشده است. (خبرگزارى فرانسه -  24/6/89)


يک زنداني پس از تحمل ۱۷۳ ضربه شلاق به دار آويخته شد

روز گذشته پنج شنبه جوان 25 ساله اي پس از تحمل 174 ضربه شلاق در محوطه زندان خوران ورامين اعدام شد.

به گزارش واحد مرکزي خبر، سيد رضا حسيني دادستان شهرستان ورامين در اين باره گفت: اين جوان ۲۵ساله به جرم ، آدم ربايي ، ايجاد جرح عمدي ، تخريب عمدي ، و فحاشي به ۲ بـار اعـدام ، ۲۵ سال حبس ، ۱۷۳ ضربـه شـلاق و پرداخت ديه محکوم شده بود . اين حکم در ديوان عالي تاييد شده بود. حسيني همچنين گفت محکوم پيش از اعدام ،۱۷۳ ضربـه شـلاق را تحمل کرده بود

 (هرانا, خبرگزاري فارس – 26/6/89)

مرگهاي مشكوك در بازداشت


يک زنداني کرد در اثر شکنجه دژخيمان رژيم جان سپرد

به گزارش منابع کردى، روند محمد اسماعيل، اهل شهر قلعه ‌ديزه از توابع استان سليمانيه کردستان عراق از سوى نيروهاى امنيتى رژيم در شهر سردشت دستگير شده و بر اثر شکنجه هاى وحشيانه در اداره اطلاعات اين شهر جان سپرد. (ايران پرس نيوز – 23/6/89)

حكم اعدام


حکم اعدام محبت محمودي به دايره اجرا ابلاغ شد 

محبت محمودي طي تماسي تلفني با اعضاي سازمان حقوق بشر کردستان اعلام کرد که حکم اعدام وي به دايره اجرا ابلاغ شده و وي ممکن است به زودي اعدام شود.

به گزراش خبرگزاري حقوق بشر کردستان، وي ضمن ارسال نامه اي به اين سازمان خواستار تعيين يک وکيل جديد براي خود شده و از سازمانهاي حقوق بشري و مردم درخواست نموده که براي آزادي وي تلاش نمايند.

محبت محمودي، از سال 1379 به جرم قتل مردي که قصد تجاوز به وي را داشت در زندان مرکزي اروميه دوران محکوميت خود را مي گذراند. اين زن متاهل پس از تحمل 9 سال زندان سرانجام توسط دادگاه اروميه در آستانه ي اعدام قرار گرفت که حکم قطعي اعدام او توسط ديوان عالي نيز تاييد گرديد.

تاييد حکم اعدام نامبرده توسط ديوان عالي در 20 تير ماه سالجاري در زندان اروميه به وي ابلاغ گرديد که با دستور قوه ي قضائيه به اجرا در خواهد آمد. آنگونه که در خبرها آمده است تا کنون هر دو همسر مرد مقتول مخالف اعدام محبت هستند اما برادر مقتول خواهان اجراي حکم اعدام محبت محمودي است.  (خبرگزاري حقوق بشر کردستان – 23/6/89) 

اعمال ضد بشري و مجازاتهاي بيرحمانه 

قطع عضو, شلاق, شكنجه, تحقير و توهين

انتقال يک از زنداني سياسي با وضعيت وخيم و در حال درمان به زندان رشت 

بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" زنداني سياسي " هادي(همايون) عابدي با خدا از زندانيان سياسي دهۀ 1360 که در اثر شليک گلوله پاسداران دچار قطع نخاع و ساير عوارض شده بود.بدليل حاد شدن شرايط جسمي اش و تاکيد پزشک قانوني و زندان مبني بر اعزام به بيمارستان خارج از زندان و يا دادن مرخصي استعلاجي به او، او را به مرخصي استعلاجي فرستادند. آقاي عابدي در حالي که مشغول آزمايشات پزشکي براي انجام عمل جراحي بود در روز 13 شهريور از ادامه درمان وي ممانعت کردند و او را به زندان مرکزي رشت بازگرداندند. زنداني سياسي هادي (همايون) عابدي باخدا 50 ساله که دچار قطع نخاع (فلج اسپاستيک) و مثانه نوروژنيک (نوعي اختلال در مثانه که نياز به سونداژ مداوم دارد) مي باشد از 17 آبان ماه 1388 در بهداري زندان مرکزي رشت در بازداشت بسر مي برد.آقاي عابدي بدليل فلج بودن و ناراحتيهاي متعدد جسمي در شرايط حاد و غير انساني در بهداري زندان که محل نگهداري زندانيان رواني و معتادين که تازه بازداشت شده اند قرار دارد. همچنين وضعيت اسفبار بهداشتي،غذايي و عدم رسيدگي پزشکي به وي که نياز مداوم به مراغبت دارد، شرايط جسمي اش را حادتر کرده است...

آبان ماه دستگير و به زندان مرکزي رشت منتقل شد. او همچنين در دهۀ 1360 به دليل هواداري از سازمان مجاهدين خلق چند سال در زندانهاي اوين و قزل الحصار تحت شديدترين شکنجه هاي جسمي و روحي بسر برد...

برادر او هرمز عابد باخدا در دهۀ 1360 بخاطر هواداري از سازمان مجاهدين در زندان اعدام شد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 20/6/89)



فشار بر ارژنگ داوودي براي قبول عواقب اعتصاب غذايش

کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر-ارژنگ داوودي پس از گذشت بيش ازدو ماه از اعتصاب غذا در حاليکه به سختي قادر به تکلم و گشودن پلک هايش مي باشد صبح امروز به بهداري زندان رجايي شهر منتقل شد

با وجود شرايط به شدت نامناسب ارژنگ داودي در بهداري زندان رجايي شهر، ايشان تحت فشار قرار مي گيرند تا فرمي را امضا کنندکه مسئوليت عواقب ادامه اعتصاب غذا را به عهده وي قرار مي دهد.ايشان با تاکيد بر ادامه اعتصاب تا رسيدن به تمام خواسته هايشان از امضاي اين فرم خودداري ورزيدند.

گفتني است که منزل ارژنگ داوودي از سوي قوه قضاييه با حکم قاضي وقت پرونده، آقاي حداد، مصادره و به فروش رسيده است.

ارژنگ داوودي در تاريخ 18 آبان سال ۸۲ تحت عنوان اقدام عليه امنيت ملي و نوشتن مانيفست سکولار ايرانيان دستگير شد و تاکنون در زندان به سر مي برد. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 24/6/89)


نامه ارژنگ داوودي از زندان رجايي شهر کرج، به آزادي خواهان جهان

موارد زير را به اطلاع همگان مي رسانم:

1.پزشک زندان براي معالجه اينجانب شرط و شروط مي گذارد و از من مي خواهد متني را امضا کنم که در صورت بروز هرگونه حادثه سوء ، بري الذمه باشد. يعني مي خواهد که عملا حکم قتل خود را امضا نمايم !؟

2.پرستار زندان متقلبانه فشار خون مرا 10 بر روي 8 گزارش مي کند در حاليکه دستگاه فشار خون ..... متعلق به يک زنداني آن را 7.5 روي 6 نشان مي دهد !؟

3.رئيس بند با بي تفاوتي محض به همين اکتفا مي کند که بگويد اعتصاب غذا غيرقانوني است !؟

4.رئيس حفاظت زندان مي گويد خواسته هايت منطقي است ولي اعتصاب را بشکن و آن را مکتوب کن تا ما بتوانيم نرم نرمک خواسته هاي کشدارت را رسيدگي کرده و به مقامات بالاتر منعکس کنيم !؟

5.پاسدار بند مي گويد اين همه آدم در اين زندان مرده اند اين هم يکي ديگر روي بقيه !؟...

10.مدير کل زندان ها از مدير زندان مي خواهد که ترتيب ملاقات با خانواده ام را بدهد ولي مدير زندان موافقت نمي کند و مي گويد فعلا بگذاريم تا خوب تنبيه شود و مجبور شود اعتصابش را بشکند !؟...

13.معاونت امنيت ميگويد خانواده اش با رسانه هاي خارجي مصاحبه مي کنند، برود خواسته هايش را از آنها بخواهد !؟...

اينک که وارد شصت و پنجمين روز اعتصاب غذا شده ام به تمامي جانباختگان راه آزادي بشر درود مي فرستم و از آزادگان جهان ، انسان هاي دمکرات منش ، نهادهاي حقوق بشري بخصوص شوراي حقوق بشر سازمان ملل بويژه شخص دبيرکل ، جناب آقاي بان کي مون مصرانه مي خواهم که رژيم حاکم بر ايران را ملزم به رعايت اعلاميه جهاني حقوق بشر نمايد و در غير اينصورت کرسي نمايندگي آن را در سازمان ملل به تعليق درآورد.

اينجانب نيز تا پاي جان برسر آرمان هاي 200 ساله آزادي خواهي و دمکراسي خواهي در ايران پاي مي فشارم.

ارژنگ داودي, معلم ، شاعر، نويسنده ، زنداني سياسي زندان رجايي شهر – 24/6/89 (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 26/6/89)

ارژنگ داوودي در خطر مرگ

منابع خبري از درون زندان رجايي شهر کرج خبر از وضعيت جسمي بسيار وخيم و نگران کننده ارژنگ داوودي داده اند.

اين منابع خبري گزارش داده اند که شب گذشته آقاي داوودي دچار هذيان گويي شده و از مرگ صحبت مي کرده، ضمن اينکه وزن ايشان هم اکنون به 35 کيلو گرم کاهش پيدا کرده است.

بنا به گفته هم بندان وي ، اين زنداني سياسي هم اکنون 66 روز است که در اعتراض به قطع تلفن ها و عدم رسيدگي به شکايتش از حاج کاظم رئيس زندان رجايي شهر، وهمچنين مصادره و به فروش رساندن منزل شخصي اش توسط قوه قصاييه دست به اعتصاب غذا زده است. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 26/6/89)


سه جوان بلوچ در آستانه اعدام قرار دارند

سه جوان بلوچ به نامهاي ناصر شه بخش، خان لعل محمد شه بخش و خالد شه بخش که به اتهام ارتباط با يک سازمان سياسي بازداشت شدند، در خطر اعدام قرار دارند.

بنا بر گزارش فعالان حقوق بشر بلوچستان،  اين افراد صرفا به خاطر داشتن نسبت فاميلي با "حاج خدابخش شه بخش" رهبر يک سازمان مسلح مخالف رژيم حدود شش ماه قبل دستگير و اکنون با خطر اعدام مواجه هستند.خانواده ناصر بعد از تلاشهاي فراوان اخيرا موفق به ملاقات وي شده اند. آنها وضغيت فرزند خود را بسيار وخيم اعلام کرده اند.

ناصر بدليل بدرفتاري و نگهداري در مکان نامناسب دچار اختلالات شديد تنفسي شده است.مادر ناصر بهمراه خانواده هاي دو دستگير شده ديگر نگران آن هستند که فرزندانشان به سرنوشت يکي از بستگانشان (شيرمحمد شه بخش) که همزمان با اين سه نفردستگير شده بود و در زير شکنجه در بازداشتگاه اطلاعات زاهدان جان داد دچار شوند. (هرانا – 26/6/89)





سوء قصد به جان استاد کيکبوکسينگ در زندان رجايي شهر کرج

شب يکشنبه عوامل ناشناسي در زندان رجايي شهر کرج عوامل ناشناسي در يک سو قصد اقدام به بريدن سر استاد کيکبوکسينگ نمودند.

بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، در اين سوء قصد حسن آرمين که از ناحيه پا در اثر شکنجه هاي پليس جنايي فلج شده است به شدت از ناحيه گردن مجروح شده و پس از مداخله سطحي توسط بهداري به بيمارستاي در خارج از زندان منتقل شد..

خبرگزاري هرانا پيشتر از وجود باندهاي مافيايي در زندان رجايي شهر پرده برداشته بود که اقدام به حذف فيزيکي زندانيان ميکنند، اين باند ها از سوي مسئولين زندان به صورت سازمان يافته عمل ميکنند. (هرانا – 26/6/89)


دستگيريهاي خودسرانه 

دستگيريهاي سياسي


ميثم رودکي به زندان رفت

ميثم رودکي فعال سياسي براي گذراندن سه سال محکوميت خود شنبه 20 شهريور ماه به زندان اوين رفت.

بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري حقوق بشر ايران "هرانا" ميثم رودکي از فعالان سياسي  که يکم خرداد سال جاري توسط شعبه ي 15 دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي صلواتي، به سه سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شده بود براي گذراندن دوران محکوميت خود به زندان اوين رفت.

اتهام اين فعال سياسي، "اقدام عليه امنيت ملي"، "عضويت در احزاب سياسي" و "همکاري با اپوزيسيون" عنوان شده است.

گفتني است وضعيت جسمي اين زنداني سياسي به دليل ابتلا به بيماري شديد گوارشي و زخم معده وخيم است. (هرانا  - 22/6/89)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 17 september 2010 18:23

Iran hangs person in Shirvan: report

Iran has hanged a convicted drug trafficker in the northeastern city of Shirvan, the Fars news agency reported on Thursday.

The report did not identify the person sent to gallows, neither did it say when the execution was carried out. (AFP - Sept 15, 2010)


Iran violently attacks and ransacks home of political prisoners and family of Ashraf residents

Political prisoners Reza Jushan and Zahra Gorji

According to reports, plainclothes agents attacked and ransacked the home of Mohammad Salam Jushan, the husband and father of two political prisoners and violently destroyed his home and personal belongings.

On Monday, September 12 at about 7 pm, more than 8 plainclothes agents raided Mohammad Salam’s home in Tehran’s Hakimiyeh neighborhood. They broke down his door and broke all the windows and house appliances. They also stole some of this family’s belongings. This raid continued for a long time. The agents chanted death to the hypocrites (used by the Iranian regime to refer to the PMOI) while ransacking the home.

Jushan called the police to stop the raid but they did not show up and did nothing to stop the violent raid.

The names of the assailants who participated in this raid are Ali Afrouz, Mohammad Afrouz, Mehrdad, Reza Koul, and Rohollah Arzi among others. This violent attack was done under the orders of Mohebbi, a top Ministry of Intelligence interrogator in the Sepah Cellblock in Gohardasht Prison (Rajayi Shahr) in Karaj. He was leading the raid a short distance from the house. Attacking homes with plainclothes agents is a new method used by the Ministry of Intelligence to terrorize the society.

Mohammad Salam Jushan was arrested a short time ago by the Ministry of Intelligence for participating in post-election protests and was transferred to Evin Prison. He was released on bail. Currently his wife, Zahra Asadpour Gorji and his son, Reza Jushan are in Gohardasht Prison and have been detained since December 2009. It has been close to 8 months that they have been banned from any kind of communication with their family. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 15, 2010)

Female university students will be forced to study only in universities close to home

The assistant head of Student Affairs at the Ministry of Science (higher education) cited a plan in which female university students would be transferred to universities and other educational facilities closest to their homes and said, “This issue has been brought up and discussed in the Ministry and will soon be officially announced”.

He said that students can continue their education in their chosen majors as permanent guests and receive their degree from the university they were accepted in and stressed that ‘this plan is effective in all universities and higher learning facilities in the country’. (State-run Iran International Women’s News Agency – Sep. 15, 2010)

Political prisoner put under pressure on 64th day of hunger strike

Arjang Davoudi was taken to the Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht Prison) infirmary after two months of hunger strike. He is unable to talk and cannot open his eyes.

Despite his severe critical condition in the infirmary, he was put under pressure to sign a form saying that he would accept the responsibility of the consequences of his hunger strike. He has stressed on continuing his hunger strike until all his demands have been met and refused to sign the form.

Notably, Davoudi’s home was seized under a sentence issued by Judge Hadad who was in charge of his case and was then sold.

Davoudi was arrested on November 9, 2003 on charges of acting against national security and writing the Manifesto for Iranian Secularism and has been detained ever since. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Sep. 15, 2010)


Iran arrest 5 Kurd activists in Ravansar

Five Kurd activists were arrested last week in Ravansar and were taken to unknown locations.

On September 3 agents of the Revolutionary Guards Forces went to the Bencheleh Village and arrested five villagers. They were taken to an unknown location.

There is no information on their whereabouts and their families have still not been able to see them.

Ayat Karimi, Saleh Karimi, Akbar Gholami, Saber Mohammadi and Vahed Rahmani are the five arrested villagers.

They have been arrested on charges of cooperating with a Kurd party. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Sep. 15, 2010)


Student activist in Tehran banned from continuing education

Camellia Kosari, a student activist in Alameh University and a member of the Islamic Association in this university participated in the master’s degree exams but was banned from continuing her education by the Selection Committee.

Kosari was active in defending jailed students in this university especially Majid Dori and Mahdieh Golro. Her name was taken off the list despite the fact that she received acceptable grades in the exam. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 15, 2010) 




Iran to lash so-called street harassers

The punishment for those who harass women and children on the street or in public places is 2 to 6 months of prison and up to 74 lashes. Of course if this crime is the result of a prior conspiracy or carried out in group, each one of the convicts will be sentenced to the maximum punishment. (Fars state-run News Agency – Sep. 15, 2010)

Av Afsaneh Oskoueinejad - 17 september 2010 18:20

ايران يك نفر را در شيروان اعدام مي كند

خبرگزارى فارس روز پنجشنبه خبر داد كه  ايران يك متهم به قاچاقچى مواد مخدر را در شهر شيروان در شمال شرقى ايران  بهدار آويخته است.

در اين گزارش هويت اين فرد كه به جوخهدار فرستاده شده مشخص نشده است. (خبرگزارى فرانسه -  24/6/89)


يورش لباس شخصيها با قمه و قداره به منازل مسکوني يکي از خانواده هاي زندانيان سياسي

Political prisoners Reza Jushan and Zahra Gorji

بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"شيوه جديد وزارت اطلاعات يورش شبانه لباس شخصيها با قمه و داره به منزل آقاي محمد سلام جوشن يکي از خانواده هاي زندانيان سياسي و تخريب وحشيانه وسايل منزل آنها مي باشد.

دوشنبه غروب 21 شهريور ماه حوالي ساعت 19:00 بيش از 8 نفر از لباس شخصيها به منزل آقاي محمد سلام جوشن در حکيمۀ تهران يورش بردند مهاجمان لباس شخصي درب منزل را شکستند و وارد منزل اين خانواده شدند آنها همچنين شيشه هاي منزل و وسايل موجود در آن را بصورت وحشيانه اي تخريب کردند و بعضي از وسائل منزل را بسرقت بردند.اين يورش مغول وار تا مدتي ادامه داشت.آنها هنگام يورش شعار مرگ بر منافق سر مي دادند

آقاي جوشن با کلانتري محل و پليس 110 براي جلوگيري از اين يورش وحشيانه تماس گرفت و از آنها خواست که به محل آمده و جلوي حملات آنها را بگيرند اما کلانتري محل و پليس 110 با تعجب و شگفتي فراوان هيچگونه اقدامي براي جلوگيري از اين يورش وحشيانه انجام ندادند و از حضور در محل خوداري کردند.

اسامي مهاجميني که در اين يورش شرکت داشتند عبارتند از ؛علي افروز،محمد افروز،داود،مهرداد،رضا کول،روح الله ارزي و تعدادي ديگر بودند. اين تهاجم وحشيانه به دستور محبي سر بازجوي وزارت اطلاعات در بند سپاه زندان گوهردشت کرج صورت گرفت . اين فرد در فاصلۀ کوتاهي از منزل مستقر شده بود و فرماندهي حملات لباس شخصيها را به عهده داشت.

يورش قمه کشان و قداره بندان به منزل اين خانواده زندانيان سياسي شيوه جديد وزارت اطلاعات براي ايجاد جو ترور و وحشت در جامعه است.

لازم به يادآوري است که آقاي محمد سلام جوشن از مصدومين شيمياي و مجروحين جنگ مي باشد.او مدتي پيش با يورش مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به دليل شرکت در اعتراضات گسترده مردم ايران دستگير و به زندان اوين منتقل شد و پس از مدتي با وثيقه آزاد گرديد. درحال حاضر خانم زهرا اسدپور گرجي همسر و رضا جوشن فرزند او از آذرماه 88 تا کنون در زندان گوهردشت کرج زنداني هستند و نزديک به 8 ماه است که از داشتن ملاقات و هر گونه ارتباطي با خانواده خود محروم مي باشند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 24/6/89)

انتقال دانشجويان دختر به نزديكترين دانشگاه محل سكونت

معاون دانشجويي وزارت علوم به طرح انتقال دانشجويان دختر دانشگاه‌ها و موسسات آموزش عالي به نزديكترين دانشگاه محل سكونتشان اشاره كرد و گفت: اين موضوع در وزارتخانه مطرح و مورد بررسي قرار گرفت و بزودي طي بخشنامه به طور رسمي اعلام مي‌شود .

وي با بيان اينكه اين دانشجويان مي‌توانند تا پايان تحصيلات خود در آن واحد دانشگاهي به عنوان مهمان دائم ادامه تحصيل دهند و مدرك خود را از دانشگاهي كه قبول شده‌اند دريافت كنند،‌ تأكيد كرد: اين طرح در تمام دانشگاه‌ها و موسسات آموزش عالي سراسر كشور قابل اجراست. (خبرگزاري بين المللي زنان ايران – 24/6/89)

فشار بر ارژنگ داوودي براي قبول عواقب اعتصاب غذايش

کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر-ارژنگ داوودي پس از گذشت بيش ازدو ماه از اعتصاب غذا در حاليکه به سختي قادر به تکلم و گشودن پلک هايش مي باشد صبح امروز به بهداري زندان رجايي شهر منتقل شد

با وجود شرايط به شدت نامناسب ارژنگ داودي در بهداري زندان رجايي شهر، ايشان تحت فشار قرار مي گيرند تا فرمي را امضا کنندکه مسئوليت عواقب ادامه اعتصاب غذا را به عهده وي قرار مي دهد.ايشان با تاکيد بر ادامه اعتصاب تا رسيدن به تمام خواسته هايشان از امضاي اين فرم خودداري ورزيدند.

گفتني است که منزل ارژنگ داوودي از سوي قوه قضاييه با حکم قاضي وقت پرونده، آقاي حداد، مصادره و به فروش رسيده است.

ارژنگ داوودي در تاريخ 18 آبان سال ۸۲ تحت عنوان اقدام عليه امنيت ملي و نوشتن مانيفست سکولار ايرانيان دستگير شد و تاکنون در زندان به سر مي برد. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 24/6/89)

بازداشت پنج فعال کرد در شهر روانسر

پنج تن از فعالان کرد در طي هفته گذشته در توابع شهرستان روانسر بازداشت و محل نامعلومي منتقل شده‌اند.

در تاريخ ۱۲ شهريور ماه مأموران سپاه پاسداران جمهوري اسلامي ايران با ورود‌ به‌ روستاي بنچله‌ از توابع شهرستان روانسر پنج نفر از اهاکي اين روستا را دستگير و به‌ مکان نامعلومي منتثل کردند.

به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، سامانه خبري «حقوق بشر ايران» از محل نگهداري اين افراد تا کنون اطلاعي در دست نيست و تا کنون خانواده‌هاي آنان موفق به ديدارشان نشده‌اند.

آيت کريمي فرزند عبدالقادر، صالح کريمي فرزند عبد الرحمن، اکبر غلامي فرزند ابراهيمع صابر محمدي فرزند محمد امين و واحد رحماني فرزند محمد پنج بازداشت شده اين روستا هستند.

اين پنج نفر به‌ اتهام همکاري با يکي از احزاب کردستان بازداشت شده‌‌اند. (رهانا – 24/6/89)

يک فعال دانشجويي دانشگاه علامه از تحصيل در مقطع کارشناسي ارشد محروم شد

کامليا کوثري فعال دانشجويي دانشگاه علامه و عضو انجمن اسلامي منتخب دانشکده ادبيات که در کنکور کارشناسي ارشد شرکت نموده است توسط هيئت گزينش از تحصيل محروم و به دانشجوي ستاره دار تبديل شد.

بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري حقوق بشر ايران "هرانا" کوثري که فعاليتهاي زيادي در راستاي حمايت از دانشجويان زنداني اين دانشگاه و بويژه مجيد دري و مهديه گلرو انجام داده ،با وجود کسب رتبه مناسب از ليست قبول شدگان حذف شد. (هرانا – 24/6/89)

6 ماه زندان و 74 ضربه شلاق، كيفر مزاحمت براي زنان و کودکان

كيفر مزاحمت به بانوان و اطفال در معابر و اماكن عمومي حبس از 2 تا 6 ماه و تا 74 ضربه شلاق خواهد بود البته هر گاه اين جرم در نتيجه توطئه‌قبلي و دسته‌جمعي واقع شود هر يك از مرتكبين به حداكثر مجازات مقرر محكوم خواهند شد. (فارس – 24/6/89)

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